Préjà Vu Tops Them All

Well, not all, but Long and Short Reviews read­ers recent­ly vot­ed Préjà Vu as the Book of the Week! I got this nifty badge:

and brag­ging rights for sev­en days! So I’m start­ing here. Of course I need to thank all my twit­ter fol­low­ers, LSB Forum read­ers, and face­book friends who answered the call and stopped by to vote. Could­n’t have done it with­out you! Also, the review­er needs kudos, because the review was extreme­ly well writ­ten. I’ve had a few that sound­ed like they either did­n’t read the whole book, or they were fourth graders forced to do a book report. Here is some of what review­er Xer­an­the­mum had to say:

If you like a book to have enough sus­pense to keep you on the edge of your seat while engag­ing all your sens­es in a dan­ger­ous, flir­ty romance, then Préjà Vu is for you.Trevor, the male lead, is what I’d call extreme­ly bit­ter dark choco­late in the begin­ning. And like that treat, I didn’t like him either. But Ms. Coca added some inter­est­ing aspects to his char­ac­ter and a few deli­cious insights which end up mak­ing Trevor a man who grows on a read­er and absolute­ly inspires a healthy dose of lust­ful think­ing and con­tem­pla­tive mus­ings. He’s a strong per­son­al­i­ty and a skep­tic. His will­ing­ness to lis­ten to Ryann’s side of the sto­ry and his actions from then on make their grow­ing rela­tion­ship a plea­sure to watch unfold.I enjoyed the author’s voice and writ­ing style. I was com­plete­ly engrossed in the plot and how the char­ac­ters inter­act­ed. I thought they were enhanced by excel­lent dia­logue and descrip­tions and I tru­ly had no idea how the pre­mo­ni­tion was going to play out. I got a kick out of the wrap-up HEA — it was adorable. I could visu­al­ize all those nuts and bolts. Too fun­ny. I was thor­ough­ly enter­tained by Préjà Vu and would rec­om­mend this book to any fan of roman­tic sus­pense.

I knew when I was writ­ing Préjà Vu that Trevor was a tough cook­ie. I did­n’t like him myself at first, but he grew on me too. It’s intrigu­ing to see that come through to read­ers. If you’d like to read the entire review, just vis­it the Long and Short Reviews web­site .

Whadd'ya think?