Tessa’s Pride

In the past few days I’ve sent my lat­est novel­la Tes­sa’s Pride to a hand­ful of epub­lish­ers. I’ve already had one rejec­tion and one con­tract offer, so we’ll see where it goes from there. I post­ed a blurb ear­li­er, but I thought I’d post an excerpt for you, see what you think!

Tessa’s heart seized. When it resumed beat­ing, it pound­ed in her ears. “You’re stay­ing here?”

He shook out a pair of silky-look­ing box­ers, then fold­ed them care­ful­ly. Tes­sa knew he’d done that to flus­ter her, and it took super­hu­man strength to keep from star­ing at them.

He seemed to rec­og­nize her avoid­ance, because he ges­tured with the under­wear as he spoke. “You don’t expect me to stay in a hotel, do you? When the big house that has belonged to my fam­i­ly for gen­er­a­tions sits all but empty?”


Well, no…but I didn’t…I guess I didn’t real­ize you’d planned on stay­ing in the area.”

For fold­ing them so care­ful­ly, he tossed the under­wear into the draw­er with­out a thought before walk­ing toward her. No, he didn’t walk, he prowled; like a hun­gry lion. “You’re afraid, aren’t you?”


She swal­lowed. “Afraid?”

To stay alone in the house with me.” He moved into her space, and it took all of her willpow­er to remain where she was. Although part of her want­ed to back away, a big­ger part want­ed to step into the heat he always seemed to wear like an invis­i­ble cloak.

I’m not afraid.” Her voice wasn’t as strong as she want­ed it to be. She swal­lowed again.

You don’t sound sure.” His dark brows low­ered, and he stud­ied her mouth. “I think you’re scared.” His breath washed over her face with each word he spoke, and Tes­sa clenched her hands to keep from reach­ing out for him. “I think you’re afraid I’ll kiss you like I did that day in the mead­ow. You remem­ber that kiss, don’t you Tessa?”

Oh God, yes she remem­bered that kiss. She remem­bered that kiss often. Dai­ly. Night­ly. Hourly. It was years ago, the day before he’d left BER for good. He’d sur­prised her dur­ing a solo horse­back ride into the woods on a rare day off. When she’d come to the clear­ing, she saw Josh, sit­ting tall and proud atop his favorite horse. To this day she didn’t know if he was wait­ing for her, or if she had just hap­pened upon him there. They’d spent that after­noon talk­ing, laugh­ing, and wad­ing in the cool creek, their jeans rolled up to their knees. She’d acci­den­tal­ly splashed him, which made him return the favor. In the end they were both drenched, and they had to lie in the sun to dry out their clothes.

Con­ver­sa­tion was easy, and when he rolled on his side to hov­er over her, it was the most nat­ur­al move to slide into his arms.

I remem­ber it too, Tes­sa.” Her name com­ing off his lips felt almost like a caress.

Her lids slid closed as she soaked in his words, lost in reminiscence.

I’ve pulled the mem­o­ry of that after­noon out more times than I can count. I’ll nev­er for­get the way you looked with your Stet­son tilt­ed over your brow. Your bare legs, so smooth…and your mouth…God, your mouth.” He stepped clos­er, until their clothes brushed, and she did feel the heat that she remem­bered. It sur­round­ed her as sure­ly as if he’d reached out with his arms.

Josh is a man who knows what he wants, and isn’t afraid to reach out and get it. I love the Alpha…

Okay, more info as it comes along. Have a great week!

Whadd'ya think?