
Con­grat­u­la­tions go to Stephanie, the win­ner of Pre­ja Vu from the Fill-Your-Eread­er Blog Tour yes­ter­day. Also, I drew a win­ner for my week­ly ebook give­away, and con­grats go to Andrea who chose Retreat. (Good choice, since Andrea is the hero­ine’s name in Retreat!)

This morn­ing I was pleas­ant­ly sur­prised to find a smi­ley face in my in-box. Pre­ja Vu was read by Seri­ous­ly Reviewed. This review­er gave Pre­ja Vu a 9 for the sto­ry, and anoth­er 9 for presentation, for a final score of 1820.  Here is the review:

HOLY CRAP!!! Let me start by say­ing that I was skep­ti­cal when I first grabbed this one. Though the blurb was inter­est­ing it did­n’t just reach out and grab me by the nose.….BUT once I got start­ed read­ing, I just could­n’t stop!!!
What a nifty lit­tle mys­tery with some sex­i­ness right smack dab in the mid­dle! By page 30 I thought I had it all fig­ured out. I was sure I knew who the bad guy was and I was just wait­ing for the shoe to drop. BOY HOWDY did I get thrown a curve ball!
Ms Coca, SNAPS you did a great job! Total­ly kept me involved and inter­est­ed and then WHAM! gave me a big shock! LOVED IT! I will be look­ing for your name in the future :)”

Thank you Seri­ous­ly Reviewed! I’m glad you enjoyed Pre­ja Vu. Scroll down a bit for a small excerpt and pic­tures of Trevor Kear­ney, the hero who falls hard for Ryann.

We’re already plan­ning a week­end-long blog tour for Valen­tine’s week­end, so you’ll be able to spend time with your hon­ey, and also get in on some great eye can­dy and amaz­ing ebook prizes. More infor­ma­tion to fol­low, so keep check­ing back, or click on that lit­tle rss feed there in the upper right hand cor­ner of this blog page. No…a lit­tle to the right.…yeah there ya go.

Alright, back to the word proces­sor, the char­ac­ter­s are calling.

Whadd'ya think?