Holiday Hottie Blog Tour

Wel­come blog hop­pers! You should have come from Juniper Bel­l’s blog, and the tour start­ed at Tri­na M. Lee’s place, so if you’re just stum­bling on this post, be sure to start there!

Don't mind me....I'm just on my knees praying...

Poor Santa, needs a backrub

Dear Santa....

Yeah, I know they don’t have any­thing to do with the hol­i­days.  I was going to add some bows and rib­bon, or maybe a San­ta hat, but I could­n’t bring myself to cov­er any­thing. I like to think of them as Christ­mas angels.

Also, I’ve just GOT to plug my web design­er’s con­test. One lucky win­ner will receive a web­site design or redesign and a year of host­ing! Today’s the last day to enter that con­test, so hur­ry! Run over there and sign up. Quick and easy! HartShine Designs

Then pop back here and leave your com­ment to be entered in the draw­ing, where I’m giv­ing away a copy of my roman­tic sus­pense Pre­ja Vu. Now…on to the next blog, which is the Sil­ver Expres­sions blog, affec­tion­ate­ly known as the SEx blog, where Liq­uid Sil­ver authors take turns blog­ging. Today we’ll have a spe­cial treat, Roscoe James is host­ing SEx. See you there!

40 thoughts on “Holiday Hottie Blog Tour

  1. nono please do NOT cov­er any­thing, I like them the way they are they’re very umm…festive with­out being denom­i­na­tion­al for the hol­i­day sea­son! there that’s a good rea­son right?

  2. I admit to shame­less­ly star­ing at my own blog post for a num­ber of hour…er.…minutes. Thanks for stop­ping by!

  3. I think some­one missed a blog, either the one before this, or the one before that one. Any­one con­fused 🙂 some­where it was only 17 when I com­ment­ed the rest have been 19 I think. Good luck everyone.

  4. Please do not cov­er any­thing. I think the red balls are inter­est­ing and gives col­or to the angels.

    Judy (

  5. By the way, Alan­na, do you have a feed to your site for the blog when you have new post? I only can find feeds for new com­ments (and it would only be on the com­ment I post­ed on). So can you add that to the side or a email sign up from Feed Burn­er so can know when you have a new post? Thanks. I’d so love to vis­it more to know more about your yum­my books! Thanks


    1. I will talk to my web design­er about that. He’s a genius and can do any­thing! I’ll keep you informed. Thanks Cathie!

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