Seven days from today, my first novel For a Price will be released to the world! I thought I’d share with you the article that started the whole thing. After reading THIS back in January, 2009, I sat in front of my computer and tried to wrap my mind around it. $3.8 million dollars for one night of sex with this virgin. Sure, she’s really pretty, and she might have a personality…but almost four million dollars? I just sat there and my little author-mind spun all of these scenarios as to what might spur her into making this decision, then I started writing.
Read excerpts from the book here and here, or meet the characters here. As soon as it’s available on Monday night, I’ll be posting the buy link, so check back with me!Â
Now for the fun. I’m posting a little quiz. Whoever gets the answer right wins the first copy off the proverbial e‑press of For a Price! (In case of a tie, those commenters will go into a random drawing.) Just comment on this post with your answer. I’m putting comments on moderation, so I won’t post any of them until the winner is chosen.
ONE of the following ten statements is false. Which one is it?
1) This guy: is named Cowboy Victor.
2)Â The Lottery is prohibited in Nevada
3) Only three casinos in the city allow photographs inside.
4) The Las Vegas Strip is not actually part of the city of Las Vegas.
5)Â The four hotels at the Las Vegas Blvd and Tropicana (MGM Grand, Tropicana, Excalibur, and New York-New York) have more hotel rooms than all San Francisco.
6) To drive from Los Angeles, California to Reno, Nevada the direction traveled is to the west.Â
7) Nevada has more mountain ranges than any other state
8 ) Sports betting is illegal in the US, except in Nevada. However, you cannot bet on the University of Nevada sporting events and on the Las Vegas professional baseball team (nor on presidential elections).
9) The MGM Grand employs over 9,000
10)Alanna once came out ahead in her trip to Vegas, because she found a quarter in the parking lot of a gas station. hint
Okay ladies and gents, these might look difficult, but I’m sure you’ll come through. If you need some hints, here are the websites I got the info from Here and Here. Good luck! I’ll announce the winner right here on Tuesday morning, 9/22/09.
Number 5 is False.
Oh sorry Breia, the only false answer was #1, That cowboy’s name is Vegas Vic. #5 sounded hard for me to believe too, but according to this website (the tenth statement down) it is a fact.
Thanks for giving it a shot!
The MGM Grand does NOT employ 9000 people. That’s my final answer. Thanks, Sue
Can you believe it does? And that’s not even the biggest? The Bellagio employs 9,700, and there is a casino in Malasia that employs 13,000. (according to this website: )
Thanks for playing, Sue!
My vote is for #8. Hope I win–sounds like a fun read! Conda
Conda, unfortunately number eight is TRUE! According to this website: the sixth statement down.
Thanks for stopping by!
OK …I think I’m first
1. False (It’s Vegas Vic).
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. True
6. True
7. True
8. True
9. True
10. True (well, it was actually her daughter, but still :D)
YAY Jayzee got it right! Down to the daughter! Congrats Jayzee!
Not even going to try to guess which is false. I don’t know, I go to play.
Happy release day!!
I hope you have better luck than I do hehe.
OK …I don’t think I paid attention to the directions the last time I posted *blushes*
Soooooo …#1 is false (his name is Vegas Vic) (but technically Alanna’s daughter found the quarter …but I’m sticking with #1).
Okay, you got it Jenn.
Number six! Number six!
I’m pretty sure you drive east from LA to reach Reno. at least, back when I lived there that’s what we did. So does that mean the rest of those statements are true? Now that’s scary.
Congrats on your release!!! Hope it hits the jackpot.
Unfortunately, according to this website number 45, that statement is true. It is mostly north, but due to the weird angle of the states, Reno is actually farther west than LA, longitudenally speaking.
Congratulations to Jayzee (Jenn)! and Kelly K! They’re the winners today with the correct answer.
I accidentally deleted the first post by Kelly K. (I was trying to delete my comment to her, and my blond hair got in my eyes I guess)Then I tried for 20 minutes to see if I could retrieve it. Sigh.
Number one is false. That cowboy guy’s name is Vegas Vic. He was installed in 1947, and replaced by a new version not 5 years later (I wonder why…) Anyway, the rest, as hard as some are to believe, are true!
Of course, I got my information from the internet, and sometimes that’s not such a reliable source, but it’s all I have to go on
Thanks everyone for participating. It’s great to see new faces visit my blog. (Even if your generated avatars DO look kinda scary hehe)
#1 is false