The worst way to spend $1,000

Den­tal work. I think some­thing that hurts so bad should be free. Bet­ter yet, the den­tist should have to pay us. I’d rather go through sev­en­ty pelvic exams than one den­tal exam.

Okay, maybe not.

I nev­er had good teeth to begin with. I’ve had the same den­tist since I was four, and my file there is six inch­es thick. There isn’t a tooth in my head that has­n’t had some kind of inter­ven­tion. It sure did­n’t help when my first child (while in utero) forced me to eat lemons.

Who says den­tures are a bad idea? 🙂

2 thoughts on “The worst way to spend $1,000

  1. I agree com­plete­ly! And it’s painful! So you’re pay­ing them to inflict pain. It’s awful!

  2. Yeah! Espe­cial­ly since I was­n’t hurt­ing when I walked in. Thanks for stop­ping by Elana 🙂

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