Saturday Status 10/18/14

Bz1eUspIQAAbsXS<—THIS is autumn in Wyoming. We’re actu­al­ly get­ting an autumn here! It’s so pret­ty. I can see why it’s a favorite for many. So yet anoth­er Sat­ur­day where I haven’t much to report, but here I am anyway.

Work in Progress News ~ Plug­ging away on Let­ters to Vic­tor, my sto­ry about the ski patrol. It’s com­ing along, just not as quick­ly as I wish it were. I might be dis­tract­ed by Octo­ber baseball…

Favorite Song of the Week ~ This Amerindi­an music is Peru­vian with a mod­ern kick. I get goosebumps.

Only very tal­ent­ed musi­cians can dance like that then play any kind of wind instru­ment with that kind of con­trol. Believe me.

Tweet of the Week ~

Indus­try News ~ I’ve got noth­ing new. I guess no news is good news? So there’s some good news.

22763272What I’m read­ing ~ Look at this: Thir­teen amaz­ing authors, thir­teen mil­i­tary m/m romances. One dol­lar. You can’t lose. I also can’t post all 13 blurbs here, but click on that cov­er to read them from Amazon.

Today’s Tear­jerk­er ~

Book Snip­pet ~ From Tak­ing Her There:

Late­ly I haven’t been work­ing. Just a whole lot of star­ing and cussing. Maybe a lit­tle scream­ing.” He took her emp­ty glass and set it beside his.

Try music?” She cud­dled back against him.

From rap to opera. I think I’ve tried every­thing.” He reached down to cup her ass through her robe. “But with this kind of dis­trac­tion, why would I want to focus?”

Oh now, don’t blame me. I don’t want the gov­er­nor on my ass. I’ve man­aged to stay off polit­i­cal naughty lists so far.”

You’re naughty?” He rolled them both over until he had her pinned beneath him. “I think that’s half your appeal.”

Only because you’re naughtier.”

That’ll do it for me. See you next week!

Whadd'ya think?