Saturday Status

Wel­come to anoth­er Sat­ur­day Sta­tus. I don’t have a whole lot to update you on this week, but I’m try­ing to get bet­ter at this blog­ging thing, and real­ly this is all I’ve got going on over here. I’ll try not to bore you. Today is a somber day, as we remem­ber the events of 12/14/12. If you have chil­dren, hug them a lit­tle bit extra. Also, I’d love it if 1214 became Ran­dom Act of Kind­ness Day. And sure, we do ran­dom acts of kind­ness every day, but today let’s bump it up! Who’s with me?

Work in Progress News ~Still plug­ging away on my Christ­mas sto­ry. I wish I’d accom­plished more than I have, but every day I add some­thing to the file, even if it’s just a few words. As I watched my home­town Christ­mas parade, I was struck with some inspi­ra­tion, and a prob­lem I was chew­ing on was sud­den­ly solved, so that’s good. Full force on Monday.

Favorite Song of the Week ~ This one went viral a few weeks ago. I’m only now post­ing it here, but I’m pret­ty sure this will be a favorite for many years. Lit­tle Drum­mer Boy by Pentatonix:

Tweet of the Week ~

Indus­try News ~ Nor­way is lead­ing the world in dig­i­tiz­ing archives. They’ve been work­ing on this project for a half dozen years, and by 2036 their entire Nation­al Library will be dig­i­tal. As if that’s not cool enough, it will make them free to read for every­one in their coun­try. Isn’t that beau­ti­ful? Let’s get on that, USA. [Source]

What I’m read­ing ~ I’ve got an Ava March addic­tion. Ama­zon knows this, and I get a lit­tle pop­up noti­fi­ca­tion when she’s got a new book out.  So I got All In with the Duke. It’s first in a series, so expect the rest. His­tor­i­cal m/m are becom­ing a favorite of mine. Take one exceed­ing­ly rich Duke, and a pros­ti­tute drown­ing in gam­bling debt and throw them together.

Today’s Tear­jerk­er ~ It’s anoth­er musi­cal video, so wait until Pen­ta­tonix is done. This flash mob sings a song writ­ten to hon­or Nel­son Mandela:

Book Snip­pet ~ From Retreat:

He ignored her protests, and squat­ted before her, to deft­ly slide his arms beneath Jessie’s knees and shoul­ders. He had to con­scious­ly keep his hands away from the curve of Andi’s breasts. As it was, the sim­ple warmth of the woman’s body made his blood race, but he hes­i­tat­ed only a sec­ond before stand­ing with the lit­tle girl in his arms, and Andi’s gaze hold­ing his. Unsteadi­ly, she stood.

Thanks Lau­ra.” He turned to lead the way.

You bet, boss.”

He didn’t have to turn around to know where Andi was. He heard her fol­low­ing him. He sensed her, felt her. She rushed ahead to open the front door. Ele­va­tor or stairs? The ele­va­tor was clos­er, but he would have to stand in that small cubi­cle with her and not…

He took the stairs.


Okay, don’t for­get your ran­dom act of kind­ness. I’d love to see tweets and Face­book posts or even com­ments here about what you accom­plished today. Have a great weekend 🙂

Whadd'ya think?