Saturday Status

870020_blogHap­py Labor Day Week­end! Hope if you’re in labor this week­end, it’s good news, oth­er­wise put your feet up!

Work in Progress News ~ Poor Dean. I swear I’ve been pound­ing the keys for months on his sto­ry. This week I tried start­ing out at a dif­fer­ent spot and remov­ing one of the plot threads that I think was unnec­es­sary. I’m not sure why this book is giv­ing me such a hard time. Don’t you want to get writ­ten, Dean!? Ugh. But progress this week, so that’s good. At it again on Monday.

Favorite Song of the Week ~ Anoth­er cov­er. Are you sick of my cov­ers? This one is by The Maine, cov­er­ing Girls Just Wan­na Have Fun by Cin­di Lauper:

 Tweet of the Week ~

Indus­try News ~ Smash­words, the big dis­trib­uter of indie books, has part­nered with a store in India! One more coun­try cov­ered in my quest for the entire world to go digital.


What I’m read­ing ~ I just fin­ished Aquar­ius: He Said, He Said by Jaimie Craig. I’m kin­da dig­ging the new first per­son switch­ing MC thing. If I could do 1st POV I’d try it, but… Blurb: On the sur­face, the only things sin­gle dads Peter Irv­ing and Aaron Hardi­son have in com­mon are their eight-year-old lon­er sons, who strike up a friend­ship. But the con­tin­ued play dates with the boys and meet­ings in the park force the men to re-eval­u­ate that posi­tion. When Peter dis­cov­ers Aaron isn’t as straight as he thinks, they agree to a “friends with ben­e­fits” arrange­ment. Sex for the sake of sex. But the men soon find out, even those appear­ances can be deceiving…

Book Snip­pet ~ From Fine Print:

Kara liked to lis­ten to Derek talk. His voice was com­mand­ing, but not abra­sive, and low enough to vibrate against her. Every once in a while she could detect a slight accent, usu­al­ly when he spoke words of Span­ish ori­gin. He laughed at some­thing his old col­lege bud­dy said, and in a seem­ing­ly unre­lat­ed ges­ture, he kissed the top of Kara’s head. The famil­iar­i­ty warmed her already sun-rav­aged skin.

Final­ly, they made their way to Kara’s car, and she threw their game gear in the back seat.

Look Jason, as much as I like you, you don’t com­pete with the gor­geous woman sit­ting next to me, so I’m hang­ing up now.”

Have a great Hol­i­day week­end! See you next Saturday.

Whadd'ya think?