Saturday Status 3/2/13

It’s March! That means shed­ding dogs, chirp­ing birds at five in the freak­ing morn­ing, and mud. I’m kid­ding. I’m excit­ed for spring, though here on top of this moun­tain spring is more like win­ter for the rest of you. The best part about March besides base­ball? For the next few weeks you’ll get to hear my favorite IRISH MUSIC! You lucky people.

Favorite Song of the Week ~ I’m one of sev­en chil­dren in my big Irish fam­i­ly. Imag­ine all us kids under the age of ten, all lined up singing this song to a house­ful of well-imbibed St. Pad­dy’s rev­el­ers at our annu­al par­ties. I did­n’t know what I was REALLY singing about until I was around 20.

Work in Progress News ~ Work­ing away on Ris­ing Heat. I got stuck in one area, and skipped ahead to a scene I knew was com­ing. I leave myself lit­tle notes in the mar­gins like “tran­si­tion here” and “fix”. Some­times I for­get what I want fixed by the time I revis­it that scene, so I’ve tried to be more spe­cif­ic late­ly. This week I dis­cov­ered a lit­tle fac­toid via YouTube that I’ll have to tweak Start­ing For­ev­er before I put it up for sale. I’m so wor­ried that I’ll get a fact wrong!

Back­list News ~ A new review on Ama­zon for Falling Star. Lisa says: “Adam and Jade were great char­ac­ters. Want­ed the book to go on for a lit­tle longer. I wish I could have got to know the char­ac­ters a lit­tle more. But on a whole, I was still intrigued with them and want­ed more. I did love it!!”

Tweet of the Week ~ The fun­ni­est thing about this is that it’s prob­a­bly true:

What I’m read­ing ~ Dou­ble Head­er by Abi­gail Bar­nette. When Javier Var­gas was trad­ed from the Port­land Pio­neers to the Grand Rapids Ben­gals, he didn’t just leave his team behind… he turned his back on the love of his life. Now, a year lat­er, short stop Zach Mar­tin is play­ing for the Ben­gals as well, and Javier can’t believe he ever walked away from the scorch­ing heat between them.

Today’s Tear­jerk­er ~ Seri­ous­ly. Two tissues.

Book Snip­pet ~ From Wyoming Solace:

She was beau­ti­ful. If only he could reach that patch of ten­der skin beneath her ear with his mouth. But he couldn’t with­out mov­ing too much. Her head grew heavy on his biceps, slow­ly cut­ting off the blood, caus­ing his fin­gers to tingle.

He wouldn’t move for the world.

Okay folks. Have a great week!

Whadd'ya think?