Saturday Status 2/23/13

Wel­come! Anoth­er snowy week here in the Rock­ies.  Luck­i­ly I have remote start on my car, so I’m much more tol­er­ant about how cold it gets 🙂

Work in Progress News ~ Edits for Falling Star 1.5 are com­plete, and the cov­er artist is hard at work. The title I came up with is Start­ing For­ev­er. I real­ly want to fin­ish Ris­ing Heat, the next book in the Earth Scents series before I put it out there, but at the rate I’m writ­ing, I’m not sure how long that will be. I am plug­ging away though, and my goal for RH is April 15th. Most­ly so I can go to the RT Con­fer­ence feel­ing like I did some­thing to deserve it.  I’m only about 10K in, and I expect it to be about 50K, so I’ve got a long way to go. I think for Start­ing For­ev­er I’ll put it up on my web­site as a free down­load while I con­tin­ue writ­ing #2, so as soon as I have a cov­er I’ll let you all know.

Favorite Song of the Week ~ Some­times a week calls for some old school Floyd. This guy did a good job with the video. Enjoy:

Back­list News ~ Joy­ful­ly Jay gave Flipped four stars! “…noth­ing earth shat­ter­ing in terms of con­flict here, but the sto­ry is sweet and a lit­tle mushy with some nice heat.” Sweet, mushy, and hot. Sounds a lit­tle bit like oatmeal!

Tweet of the Week ~ Very few tweets make me lit­er­al­ly laugh out loud. This one got me. It still does.

Indus­try News ~ Accord­ing to Boing Boing: “Indie book­sellers sue Ama­zon and big pub­lish­ers over DRM (but have no idea what “DRM” and “open source” mean) A group of inde­pen­dent book­sellers have filed a suit against Ama­zon and the major pub­lish­ers for their use of DRM, which, the book­sellers say, freezes them out of the ebook mar­ket”. Yikes.

What I’m read­ing ~ I was look­ing for some base­ball books because well…spring fever. Found this one for only a buck!  “After years of hard work and keep­ing her nose firm­ly to the grind­stone, Dr. Hol­ly Bell has final­ly achieved her dream: a posi­tion as a pedi­atric sur­geon at a pres­ti­gious teach­ing hos­pi­tal. Chil­dren’s lives rest in her skilled hands. That means total ded­i­ca­tion to her work and her patients with­out let­ting any­thing or any­one get in the way. And a hot affair with a super­star ath­lete is most def­i­nite­ly get­ting in Hol­ly’s way…”

Today’s Tear­jerk­er~

 Book Snip­pet ~ a bit from Tes­sa’s Pride:

Her habit of twirling one black curl in time with her mouse clicks made Josh’s lips twitch with the need to smile.

Quit star­ing.”

Tes­sa didn’t even look up, but she did stop chew­ing on that lip.

Josh grinned. “Why should I?”

You make me ner­vous. I’m not used to peo­ple star­ing at me.”

I can’t help it. You’re beautiful.”

She blushed. Damn, that was sexy. Even her eye­lash­es flut­tered. He set his lap­top aside and moved onto the couch beside her. “Is this better?”

Are you still star­ing?” The last word raised in pitch when he nipped her shoulder.

I’ll close my eyes.”

Okay folks, have a great week.

Whadd'ya think?