Saturday Status 10/27/12

Well, I’ve had a week of snow, ice, and wind. I guess it was bound to hap­pen. Pic­tures like this make it look nice, but really…it’s not. The only good thing about cold weath­er? Com­fort food! Like…chocolate.

Work in Progress News ~ I’ve done some writ­ing in the bad girl sto­ry. I actu­al­ly found a name for my hero, so thanks for the hun­dreds of thou­sands of respons­es on last week’s sta­tus with sug­ges­tions, I just went ahead and picked my own name: Andre. I hope no one gets the men­tal pic­ture of a sea lion. I also have a ten­ta­tive title, since Andre is my hero­ine’s limo dri­ver, I thought Take the Wheel sound­ed pret­ty good. We’ll see if it still fits when I finish.

Favorite Song of the Week ~ Some­one local tweet­ed that Don Williams will be play­ing two shows in Wyoming, and while I’d love to see him live, the weath­er is nev­er trust­wor­thy to actu­al­ly sched­ule a trip any­where between Sep­tem­ber and May. But it did remind me how much I love his voice, so I give you Don Williams, cir­ca 1977:

Notice this is a live per­for­mance, and the guy sounds just like he does on his records.

Also notice the muttonchops.

Indus­try News ~ Novem­ber is Nation­al Nov­el Writ­ing Month, or NaNoW­riMo. The month where many authors pledge to write a 50K word nov­el in 30 days. I tried this once, I was­n’t suc­cess­ful and I end­ed up writ­ing just to be writ­ing. I guess I’m just not good with struc­ture, but you’ll be hear­ing lots of NANO talk around the web.

This week I’m adding a new fea­ture, since I spend [too much] time on Twit­ter, I find some real­ly great one lin­ers. I won’t post polit­i­cal ones, though some­times those are real­ly the best, and I’ll try to keep them PG-13. Ish. So I give you, my inau­gur­al Tweet of the Week~

What I’m read­ing ~ A Chip in his Shoul­der by L.A. Witt is a dystopi­an/­para­nor­mal/s­ci-fi/ro­mance. Can one real­ly fit all those things into a sin­gle book?  Appar­ent­ly so.  A vam­pire hit­man who’s had robot­ic mod­i­fi­ca­tions is sent to kill his for­mer lover. This is a short sto­ry, but as with every­thing L.A. does, it’s well written.

Search Term of the week aka How Peo­ple Found My Web­sites ~ This week, some­one found me by search­ing for “lima ten­der­touch”. That kind of sounds like an apple device.

Book Snip­pet ~ From Com­pa­ny Ink:

After push­ing the phone to the far end, he set her on the edge of the desk and leaned over until she was flat on her back. “You’ll have to tell me all about this fan­ta­sy you have about my office. I’d like to recre­ate it someday.”

You already are.”

Aaandd that’s where it gets inter­est­ing.  Okay folks, have a great Hal­loween! Stay safe!

Whadd'ya think?