Love’s a Beach Blog Hop

Wel­come! It’s anoth­er won­der­ful guid­ed tour through the Romance­landia Blo­gos­phere (Can I use two fake words in a row like that?) If you’re just hap­pen­ing by, just click on that ban­ner above, it will take you to the begin­ning of the hop (or wher­ev­er you left off) I can prac­ti­cal­ly feel sum­mer slip­ping away from me! It’s depressing.

I start­ed writ­ing an orig­i­nal scene for this hop, and real­ized that it’s prob­a­bly a sto­ry best told in nov­el form, so guess what? Anoth­er work in progress for me. Instead I’m shar­ing an excerpt from my book Fine Print, where Derek takes Kara to Can­cun Mex­i­co for a “total­ly pla­ton­ic” week­end. Here they’re loung­ing on deck chairs on the beach, and he’s just asked her about her hus­band who’d passed away two years earlier:


Take a close look at that cov­er. Booknib­bles turned it into a cin­ema­graph. Pret­ty cool huh?

Okay, keep on hop­ping! There is so much to see. We’ll be draw­ing win­ners and rehash­ing the hop over at Gem Sivad’s place on Sun­day at 7pm EST. I hope to see you there!