Sexy Summer Solstice Hop

Wel­come to the Sexy Sum­mer Sol­stice Hop with JustRomance.Me!  I can’t think of a bet­ter way to wel­come sum­mer. This week­end I’ll be check­ing in from Den­ver, CO for Rom­Con! I’m excited.

Fol­low me on Twit­ter, I’ll be post­ing pics and rub­bing elbows with some real­ly great authors.

Sum­mers in the Rock­ies can’t be beat. They’re short, but for these ten to twelve weeks  I remem­ber why I live up here. Here is a nice video show­cas­ing some of Wyoming’s beau­ti­ful skies in timelapse.

Of course there isn’t a pic­ture out there that can do jus­tice.  I hope you all can make a trip to Yel­low­stone at least once in your life. In the sum­mer. Our win­ters are not very friendly.

It’s okay to be jeal­ous. I’ll be jeal­ous of the rest of you come Novem­ber.

My new release Wyoming Solace will be out on Tues­day, June 26th! I thought I’d share an excerpt. Although it doesn’t real­ly have much to do with the sol­stice, the book was inspired by the beau­ty of a Wyoming summer.






All right! That’ll do it for me. I hope you’re enjoy­ing your romp across the web. Good luck in the draw­ing, lots of prizes to be won! Also, we’ll be chat­ting at Gem’s Place at 7pm EST Sun­day evening. I hope you can join us.

25 thoughts on “Sexy Summer Solstice Hop

  1. So jeal­ous that you’re at Rom Con! But I hope you have fun and thanks for the excerpt! 


  2. Thanks for the excerpt! Wyoming Solace sounds like a fan­tas­tic read! 

    elizabeth(at) bookattict(dot)com

  3. That was an awe­some video! I am jeal­ous of all of those stars. Since we moved to the south, we don’t see that many any­more. The sto­ry def­i­nite­ly paints a serene pic­ture. This sounds like a won­der­ful sto­ry. Thank you for shar­ing, Alanna. 🙂 

  4. Yes! I’m envi­ous of your sum­mer in the Rock­ies. I live in the South. It’s hot & humid here now. BUT, our posi­tions are reversed in the win­ter when it’s gor­geous here and the beach­es are beautiful. 

  5. That video is amaz­ing! It is beau­ti­ful there! Thank you for shar­ing that excerpt, I enjoyed read­ing it. 

  6. Nice except! I grew up in Utah so Wyoming and Yel­low­stone hold a spe­cial place in my heart. 

  7. Con­grats! Sounds like a great book! Thanks for shar­ing and for the fun hop! And thank you for the awe­some giveaway!

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