Someone Came to Visit!

Look who’s made the long trip to my blog for a vis­it! It’s Chasti­ty Bush, the para­nor­mal erot­ic romance author! We sat down over a cup­pa to dis­cuss writ­ing, life, and a bunch of nonsense.

So Chasti­ty, do you remem­ber the first romance nov­el you ever read?

The first romance nov­el I remem­ber read­ing was For the Ros­es by Julie Garwood.

I’ve heard won­der­ful things about that book, but haven’t picked it up yet. Did you like it?

I’ve always been a fan of west­erns and this one was right up my alley. I stopped read­ing for a long time after I had our daugh­ters until one day I picked up A Reck­less Beau­ty by Kasey Michaels and fell in love with read­ing all over again. Now, I always have a book in my hand.

Oh me too. eyes my Kin­dle with­in grab­bing dis­tance And you know how good it is for kids to see their par­ents read. (Thanks, Mom!) I write on my din­ing room table. If I serve some­thing messy for din­ner, I’ll actu­al­ly fold up my lap­top and put it away for an hour. What about you? 

At the moment I use a lap­top, so I can plant myself any­where and type what­ev­er pops into my lit­tle head.

Oh. Maybe I should try mov­ing around. My bed is way too com­fort­able, I end up nap­ping. Any­thing you can’t live with­out when writing?

Hard can­dy. I absolute­ly have to have cin­na­mon hard can­dy while I write. I’m a com­plete addict.

Mine is music. Though late­ly I’m won­der­ing if it hurts my word count when I sing and dance along. Do you lis­ten to music when you write?

Some­times. I love old­er music like The Clash, The Kinks, and The Ramones. But I also like new­er music like Kings of Leon, Shine­down, Cage the Ele­phant, etc. Pret­ty much any­thing on the radio is fine with me as long as there’s some noise in the back­ground, I’m good.

I sup­pose my char­ac­ters start doing funky things when I lis­ten to acid rock. Hey, that might be a fun chap­ter! Is there any humor in your books?

Absolute­ly. I’m a very sar­cas­tic, play­ful per­son. I couldn’t imag­ine writ­ing char­ac­ters lack­ing a sense of humor.

Does your fam­i­ly know what you do?

Yes. My hus­band is very sup­port­ive of me. He even helps me when I’m stuck on an idea. My daugh­ters are both still young enough (12 and 8 ) that they real­ly don’t care what I do as long as din­ner is cooked and they have clean clothes. J

Well that’s handy, your own live-in cri­tique part­ner! He prob­a­bly appre­ci­ates that you don’t write frou frou romances, huh? 🙂 What’s your favorite genre to write?

My favorite genre to write is para­nor­mal. I’ve always loved any­thing to do with the paranormal/supernatural. When I start­ed writ­ing my first para­nor­mal, it just came to me nat­u­ral­ly. My favorite genre to read is a toss up between his­tor­i­cal and paranormal.

I read just about every­thing, but I admire you para­nor­mal authors. I don’t think I could write one con­vinc­ing­ly. Is there a genre you’d love to be able to write, but don’t think you can pull it off?

Vic­to­ri­an and High­land his­tor­i­cals. I love read­ing these books, but there’s no way I could ever write one.

Oh yeah, me either. Way too much research lol. Which of your main char­ac­ters do you think is most like you? 

Most like me? I’d have to say Tina James from Killer Kiss­es. She’s sassy, sar­cas­tic, doesn’t take crap from any­one, is total­ly open-mind­ed, but still has a soft heart. I think my fam­i­ly would agree.

Okay, I got­ta know. Bare­foot, or slippers?

Bare­foot. I’d go every­where bare­foot if I could.

Night­gown or nude?

Nude, of course! What kind of erotic/romance writer would I be if I slept in flan­nels? (just kidding!)

I saw a guy run­ning from an overnight fire in the nude. Keep your robe handy, Chasti­ty! Haha, Okay, big Amer­i­can car, or com­pact import?

Big, Amer­i­can car. I dri­ve a big sil­ver Dodge Ram.

Hey, I have a sil­ver Dodge Charg­er! Wan­na race? No? Maybe lat­er? Okay…naturally fur­ry, or manscaped?

Man­scaped. Noth­ing like a 70’s porn-bush stick­ing to you like Vel­cro to kill the mood.

That’s hilar­i­ous. How will I get that image out of my head!? Okay, now for one of my favorite ques­tions from Bloom Coun­ty. Did Adam and Eve have navels?

Sure, why not?

Well…if you put it that way…you’re right! Why the hell not? How about this one. If you were one of the five chil­dren who won a gold­en tick­et for a day in Wonka’s fac­to­ry, which child would you have been? What would be the one item from the fac­to­ry you’d sneak home?

I’d prob­a­bly be Vio­let. I have a huge sweet tooth. I’d prob­a­bly take as much choco­late I could get my hands on. I love chocolate.

See I’d be Char­lie. I’m such a nice qui­et shy unas­sum­ing girl…Hey, when you fold your hands, is your right thumb over your left, or the oth­er way around? 

Left over right.

Hm. I’m right over left.what do you think it means?

I’ve nev­er real­ly thought about what this might mean. Also, as a side note, when I hold my hand up, fin­gers togeth­er, my two mid­dle fin­gers stay sep­a­rat­ed just a lit­tle. Maybe there’s a Vul­can in my ances­tors somewhere?

Or maybe you’re from Ork like Mork. Oops, show­ing my age there. Well, in for a penny…do you think we’ll get our hov­er­board by the year 2015? Was Mar­ty McFly a big fat liar?

I sure hope so! How cool would a hov­er­board be?!

I’d nev­er walk again, that’s for sure. I’d take it on the mov­ing side­walks at the air­port, yeah? Okay, last ques­tion, then I’ll let you get back to your cin­na­mon can­dy. You can ask for help with this one: How many licks does it take to get to the Toot­sie Roll cen­ter of a Toot­sie Pop?

Accord­ing to my eight year old daugh­ter, about five million.

I think she’s pret­ty close. Hey, pull your lap­top up here, we can get some words in while your daugh­ter counts to five million. 

Keep up with Chasti­ty:      Twit­ter      Face­book      Website/Blog   

One thought on “Someone Came to Visit!

  1. Thank you so much for hav­ing me here today! This has to be my favorite inter­view ever. You rock! 🙂

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