New Free Read

I just fin­ished writ­ing the pre­quel to Retreat! It’s avail­able now for no charge at Smash­words (click the cov­er to go) and it’s on it’s way to oth­er online retailers.

It’s at Ama­zon right now for $.99 until their web­bots find it for free else­where, then they’ll price match. If you feel like spend­ing a moment to report it as free at Smash­words, I’d appre­ci­ate it!

Kin­dle      Smash­words

 I enjoyed step­ping back in time and get­ting to know Andi and Jake all over again. I hope you do too.


P.S. Check out how the cov­ers for Treat and Retreat go so well togeth­er. Thanks,!




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