Saturday Status 1/7/11

Wel­come! This week went by so quick­ly! Please, 2012, slow down! It’s been beau­ti­ful weath­er all week here, which usu­al­ly means some­thing big and nasty is loom­ing on the hori­zon. I’ll let you know.

Favorite Song of the Week ~ I had to look on past posts to make sure I haven’t shared this song yet, because I’ve loved it for a long time. This is INXS with Afterglow.

Work in Progress News ~ Alan­na wrote a free read last week, since she actu­al­ly FINISHED Wyoming Solace rewrite! Tol­ja she would! The free read is a pre­quel to Retreat, titled Treat. Michael at made the cov­er, and it goes so well with the cov­er Aman­da Kelsey cre­at­ed for Retreat, I just can’t believe it. The cou­ple even looks like a younger ver­sion of the cou­ple on Retreat. And his eyes…what do you think? Click to go to Smash­words where you can down­load your favorite format.

Indus­try News ~ Uh…from now on I’m just going to post this when I actu­al­ly have news for you guys.

Search Term of the week aka How Peo­ple Found My Web­sites ~ This one made me laugh: “good­luck olivia at yahoo dot cum”


What I’m read­ing ~ One of my very favorite authors released a new book late last month. I forced myself to wait until I fin­ished my projects so I could real­ly relax and enjoy it. It’s total­ly worth the wait, guys. Cameron Dane’s A Per­fect Storm. “On an island off the coast of Maine, Lucien Cabot mon­i­tors the dark clouds rolling across a bleak sky. Patience and plan­ning have been Lucien’s two clos­est friends for years, and now Moth­er Nature has aligned to cre­ate the per­fect storm he needs to exact his revenge.

Tele­vi­sion pro­duc­er Sophie Emer­son can’t believe her luck when the mys­te­ri­ous own­er of Raven Island offers her a sto­ry about the island and cas­tle. She real­ly can’t believe it. Still, if real, this offer could be the break her career needs. Although sus­pi­cious, Sophie agrees to meet Lucien at his home.

Gotcha. Lucien can taste vic­to­ry — if he can resist the keen intel­li­gence, beau­ty, and light in Sophie. Falling for his guest is the last thing Lucien can afford to do.”

Cameron has a flair with putting emo­tion into every page. Brilliant.

Hero Quote ~ From Jake in the new free read TREAT. This is right after Andi tells him that his mouth dri­ves her crazy:

Good. I like you crazy. Then you stop think­ing. Then you’ll do some­thing irre­spon­si­ble like take your clothes off.”

Men! Got­ta love ’em tho, right? Okay folks, that’s it for me. Every­one have a great week!


Whadd'ya think?