I hope all my fellow Americans had a great Thanksgiving! I spent mine making a bunch of noise surrounded by my huge family. The best part is…I still have a whole pie in the fridge! Good times.
Work in Progress News ~ This week I’ve been going over my very first book, Wyoming Solace. I want to rework a few scenes before Linda, my editor over at Samhain gets a hold of it. There’s an entire plot thread I decided to remove. It might shorten the book some, but I think it will be a better story in the end. I’m only about 1⁄3 of the way through. I hope this doesn’t take me too long, because I’ve got new stories begging to be written!
Industry News ~ One of the scariest things to pop up in a long time, SOPA—the Stop Online Piracy Act—an anti-infringement bill that’s working it’s way through the U.S. House, while its companion bill PIPA—Protect Intellectual Property Act is in the hands of the Senate. Opposition has gone viral, with over a million emails hitting Congress. SOPA would give content owners the ability to shut down access to “rogue” sites, force Web registries to block entire domains, and force banks and credit card companies to stop doing business with sites accused of supporting or inducing infringement, with just a court order. This would mean no more picture sharing across the web, it could affect book excerpts on author sites…it could get really ugly. Even Wikipedia would be in danger, and I don’t know about you, but I LOVE my Wiki.
Search Term of the week aka How People Found My Websites ~ I found it a little interesting that people found my site by searching for “silky red teddy” and another group of folks found Olivia by Googling “red satin background”. Coincidence? Yeah probably.
What I’m reading ~ I read two short books last week, one is Revealed by Lissa Matthews. It’s book three of a trilogy, but I didn’t realize that when I purchased it. Luckily the book stands on its own, I just missed a bunch of the sexual tension and first meeting of these two. Â I might just go back
and read the other two now. And yes, one does wear a kilt. This is the halting/awkward beginnings of a D/s relationship between these two guys. I enjoyed reading their discomfort. I also read a quickie by Vivien Dean called Tis the Season. This one felt more like the beginning of a trilogy, as it left me begging for more. Two divorced dads meet after a school function for their kids. I really liked these two characters, and would love to read more about them –hint hint, Vivien.
Hero Quote ~ This is actually internal thought from Cody, the hero in Wyoming Solace:
You did it. You let her go. Congratulations. Now get your ass back on your horse and get the hell out of here.
Favorite Song of the Week ~ Okay, it’s the time of year where I break out the Christmas music! So you’ll see my faves here for the next six weeks or so. This one is great, it’s by Straight No Chaser, a twelve man acappella group. They have such fun with this song.
That’s it for me. Have a great week!
Marty and Alex were fun, that’s for sure. And you’re right, there’s so much room for more. I hadn’t actually thought about it too much because I have so much on my plate right now, but now that you’ve got my brain working, I can see it happening. Damn it, Alanna. Why do you do this to me?
I’ve had my Xmas cds at the ready for weeks now, just waiting for Thanksgiving to get past so I can play them. My kids will hate me in a week’s time, but I don’t care. I love this time of year and all the music that comes with it.
Hey Vivien! Thanks for stopping by. I did love those guys. I sat for a few minutes after reading the book and imagined some more chapters on my own
Husband and the eldest had to work through the holiday, but I did take the youngest ones with me to see family. Other than missing part of the family, it was a great time. Glad your holiday was great, and YUM on the pie.