Saturday Status 10/15/11

Howdy! I know I’ve used this pic­ture before, but I like it. So it’s Sat­ur­day again. Here’s what I’ve been up to for the past sev­en days:

Work in Progress News ~ I had a great start to the week, with won­der­ful plans to keep on chug­ging away on the WiP of the week, Michael. This one is about a hor­rif­ic car acci­dent, and I just killed some­one. I guess I need to grieve before I can  move on. Yeah, that’s it.

Indus­try News ~ Lots of indus­try peeps are in New York today for the New York Com­ic Con. I doubt it would have any­thing for me, being a (most­ly) con­tem­po­rary romance author, but that did­n’t stop Cari­na Press from cel­e­brat­ing with a 40% off coupon this week­end only! Click here to vis­it the site, and just type in NYCOMICCON at check­out. What? That link goes right to the Pre­View book page? Well that’s handy. Also going full force in New Orleans is the first annu­al (hope­ful­ly) Gay­Rom­Lit Retreat. I’m see­ing lots of fun posts com­ing out of that.

Real Life News ~ The weath­er is actu­al­ly pret­ty nice. Maybe we’ll get an autumn this year! Not much news for this sec­tion this week. I’m sure you don’t want to hear about my den­tist appointment…

Search Term of the week aka How Peo­ple Found My Web­sites ~ Oth­er than the con­tin­u­ing query of “tom sel­l­eck naked” which I believe I exac­er­bat­ed by writ­ing those words here last week (and this week too I guess) this week’s query win­ner is:  “libros de romance”, which reminds me of more news! I’ve enticed two Span­ish speak­ers to read my books and trans­late them into Span­ish! I’m very excit­ed about that prospect.

What I’m read­ing ~ I’m just going to list the book(s) that I read each week. I’m not review­ing them, but I won’t post them if I don’t like them. This week I read 18% Grey by Anne Teni­no. “In a future where the Unit­ed States has split along par­ty lines, Agent Matt Tennimore’s job is to get peo­ple out of the Con­fed­er­at­ed Red States, whether they’re cap­tured spe­cial ops agents from his own coun­try or gay CRS cit­i­zens who’ve peti­tioned for asy­lum. He nev­er expect­ed to have to retrieve his high school crush, aka the guy who ostra­cized him for being gay.“ A real­ly good read that I could­n’t fin­ish all in one night, which meant that I end­ed up dream­ing my own end­ing to the book. I admit Ms. Teni­no did a bet­ter job than my subconscious.

Hero Quote ~ From Josh Bradley, the hero from Olivi­a’s Tes­sa’s Pride:

You taste amaz­ing. Even when you’re piss­ing me off.”

Favorite Song of the Week ~  Okay, Howard Jones showed up on my Twit­ter feed last week (I LOVE HIM!) I’d lost track of him over the past few years, rely­ing on his old stuff to keep me from crack­ing up (HoJo fans get it) Come to find he put a new album out a cou­ple years ago, found this song and just about melted.

Sigh. I had a teen­girl crush on him back in the day, and he still sends warm fuzzies to my insides.

Any­way, I hope you enjoyed  that as much as I do.

Whadd'ya think?