Happy Labor Day! We’re celebrating (lamenting) the end of summer with a plethora of working men enjoying the holiday. Today I’ve got this guy visiting my website. He’d like to know if you’re ready for some hot…
dogs, or maybe a hamburger on the grill. Or maybe your idea of a great Labor Day includes just being lazy at home and rolling in the.…
grass. Which I certainly wouldn’t fault you. Some people like to spend their long weekends watching twenty-two men get together and wrestle around on the hot steamy…
football field of course. Whatever you do this weekend, make sure to relax and enjoy. And when you’re exhausted from all of that relaxation, stop by PG’s Chat Room on Monday, September 5th from 8 p.m. EST until the cows come home. Hope to see you there!
Oh also, this weekend for anyone who would like, I’m offering my book Cover Story for download at Smashwords for only $.99 with the code UR34K The code expires on 9⁄6. Thanks for stopping by! I hope to see you in the chat room, where I plan to share some excerpts from my newly completed m/m short story.
Love the pics.
Hope everyone has a fun and safe Labor Day weekend.
Such tempting entertainment for the long weekend.
Such awesome photos! Staring at these kinds of pics is a great way to spend the holiday imo.
joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com
Yum! Beefcake for the holiday!
I think that I’d like to be lazy and roll in the grass with the sexy man.
I think that I’d like to be lazy and roll in the grass with the sexy man.
Great pics. Have a nice Labor Day weekend! cheryllynne(at)rocketmail(dot)com
Wishing you a great Labor Day weekend and lots of fun & not too much heat.
Sending Alaskan cool breezes your way if you need them.…*S*
Thanks for the blog tour!
pommawolf @hotmail.com
Thanks for sharing the eye candy. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Luv the pics! N that sounds like a great way to spend the day
Sensational, sexy, pics… lurve them! Have a safe and happy Labor Day Weekend. I am now following you on G+, Twitter & liked your FB page. Best of luck.
Happy Writing & Blogging,
Bona Fide Reflections
Love the pictures. Â I will have to check out your book!
beckerjo at verizon dot net
So many choices as to how to spend the holiday.…
Thanks for the special offer on the book, I’m going to check that out!
Woooo…it got hot in here!! *fans self* GREAT pics!Â
Hope your holiday weekend is full of fun!
Stacy Wilson
dragn_lady at yahoo dot com
I like these pics
I can look at these guys for awhile — not a hardship at all! Thanks for offering Cover Story; going shopping in a bit.
nice photos thanks for sharing…
Yes, rolling in the umm …“grass” sounds like a fantastic idea!
Ooh, love the photos–must decide what sounds the most appealing for this weekend, Olivia!
f dot chen at comcast dot net
Love the guy’s eyes in pic #2!!
Brandi Robertsscssugar(at)yahoo(dot)com