Hard at Work Blog Hop

Wel­come! To join the blog hop at the beginning–click HERE

Although I hate say­ing good­bye to sum­mer, this Blog Hop is the per­fect way to go out with a bang! I hope you’re all enjoy­ing a labor-free week­end with plen­ty of food, friends, fam­i­ly, and most of all, relax­ation! So curl up with a good book this week­end. You deserve it. I’ve found some­one who would like to wish you a hap­py Labor Day.

This is Trevor Kear­ney. The green-eyed hero from my new release Pre­View. It’s avail­able now for pre­order, but will be offi­cial­ly released on Mon­day. It’s part of Cari­na Press’s Roman­tic Sus­pense Week. Click HERE for more infor­ma­tion about that. The link will open in a new tab so you can fin­ish the hop first.


How about a sexy excerpt and more Trevor skin? 

Ryann, the hero­ine in Pre­View has prophet­ic dreams. The fol­low­ing is one of her dreams, which she’ll swear isn’t prophet­ic at all, just a Freudi­an classic.


Yes, ma’am. At your ser­vice.” His low voice rum­bled through the stillness.

She grinned but didn’t open her eyes. “What are you doing?”

Shh…I’m sleep­ing. I’m hav­ing the most amaz­ing dream.” He con­tin­ued his seduc­tion of her ear, then moved his lips down along the slim line of her neck.

His breath felt hot on her skin. Her tem­per­a­ture rose to match it; heat flood­ed her from head to toe.

Ryann turned her head to reach his mouth. He met her lips with a hun­gry kiss. His vel­vety tongue speared into her mouth and stroked hers until she writhed against him in effort to get ever clos­er. One strong hand slid up her tor­so until it cov­ered her breast, her nip­ple puck­ered in full arousal. When he rolled it between two fin­gers, she squealed, then strug­gled to turn toward him. Only then did she open her eyes.

His chest was bare. Noth­ing marred the per­fec­tion of the skin stretched across his mus­cles. No hair, not a scar or a sin­gle freck­le. Noth­ing. Just two dark round disks set­tled in toasty brown skin. She gave in to the impulse to touch it.

Lord, it felt good against her fin­gers. When she con­vinced her­self he was real, she raised her eyes to his. Trevor Kear­ney leaned on one arm, hov­er­ing over her. His eyes were slum­ber­ous but filled with an elec­tric heat. He slid one leg up hers; the hairs on his thigh tick­led her deli­cious­ly. He wedged it between her legs, with the com­plete famil­iar com­fort that it belonged there.

Good morn­ing.” One cor­ner of his mouth tilt­ed in a sexy smile. Ryann looked around her room, still cov­ered in the dark shad­ows of night. She didn’t even smell the auto­mat­ic cof­feemak­er, which clinched it–it was way too early.

It’s not morn­ing,” Ryann com­plained. She reached up to trace his lips. “The sun isn’t even up.”

I’m always up ear­ly.” He adjust­ed him­self between her thighs, prov­ing a dou­ble mean­ing. She laughed, pulling him to her mouth again. She smoothed her hands down his mus­cled back, over the dip in the small of his back, the round­ness of his but­tocks. She cupped a hand beneath both cheeks and pressed him clos­er to her. She loved the way his ass looked beneath his tai­lor-fit pants and loved it even more with­out a stitch of cloth­ing. Firm and tight, so damn mouthwatering.

Through the haze he cre­at­ed with his kiss, she was aware of his hands glid­ing across her flesh, leav­ing behind a trail of goose bumps. She pulled her mouth away enough to watch his hands move over her skin. The dark skin of his lean fin­gers looked unbe­liev­ably sexy against the white skin of her breasts. She want­ed to pull those fin­gers into her mouth and suck on them, draw his essence into her, but his touch was too deli­cious to for­go. “God yes, touch me.” She spoke into his mouth. “Touch me everywhere.”

Glad­ly. Any­thing you want, Ryann. Just tell me your fan­tasies. I’ll do any­thing you want.” His fin­gers skimmed her tor­so, then between her thighs, where he found her pli­ant and moist. He groaned and whis­pered his plea­sure at her readi­ness. “Let me into your dreams.”

That’s it for me. I hope you’re hav­ing a good time on the JustRomance.Me blog hop. I know we have fun gath­er­ing hot­ties for you! Hope to see you at PG Forte’s Chat room, on Mon­day, Sep­tem­ber 5th. 8 p.m. EST until PG kicks us out, where we’ll all gath­er to rehash the hop, and maybe post an excerpt or two. Always a good time. Thanks for join­ing us!

30 thoughts on “Hard at Work Blog Hop

  1. That’s a very hot excerpt and def­i­nite­ly woke me up bet­ter than cof­fee. The pho­to you chose for your hero has the most amaz­ing green eyes. Wowza! 

    joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com 

  2. Thank you for hav­ing the great blog tour.
    I love the excerpt, and it is a great hot tease.
    I have put your new release on my must list, and can’t wait to read so much more.…*S*
    Thank you!


    pom­ma­wolf @hotmail.com

  3. Mmmm… yum­my. Those eyes… nice choice there. And the excerpt leaves me want­i­ng more. Exact­ly the point, I know. I will be on the look out for your stuff. 

  4. Not sure if my first post took as I’m in the Alaskan inte­ri­or north of Fair­banks. Thank you again for the blog tour, and I have added your titles to my got­ta have list too..*S*
    Thank you!


    pom­ma­wolf @hotmail.com

  5. Those eyes are so soul-sear­ing. Thanks for shar­ing the excerpt. I am now fol­low­ing you on G+, Twit­ter and I liked your FB Page. 

    Hap­py Writing,
    Bona Fide Reflections 

  6. Woooooo…did it get hot in here or is it me? *fans self* Hot DAYAM! LOVE those green eyes!!! And the excerpt.…WOOOOOO!! *fans self again* Look­ing for­ward to this one! 

    Sta­cy Wilson 

    dragn_lady at yahoo dot com 

  7. I have nev­er seen eyes that green! Great excerpt, as well. I haven’t read any of your books (yet) but you’re now on my short list of new authors’ books to buy.
    msmjb65 AT gmai­lo DOT com 

  8. Oh my, Alan­na! Con­grats on your newest release and thanks for the intro–sounds like she’s got some scorch­ing hot dreams 😉 

    f dot chen at com­cast dot net 

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