Six Sentence Sunday 3/13/11

Howdy! Wel­come back! Before shar­ing this week’s six, I just want to remind every­one not to for­get the awe­some Luck of the Irish blog hop start­ing on St. Pat­tie’s Day over at Join us for some real­ly fun sto­ries, a ton of ebook and gift card prizes, and this time we’re also giv­ing away a Kin­dle 3! (If any more authors out there want to join the par­ty, there’s still a lit­tle time left to sign up. Get in touch with me through my Con­tact page and I’ll get back to you with details!)

Now, on with the story:

The pain from her wounds dulled, and she feared that it was sig­nal­ing the end. Only adren­a­lin gave her the ener­gy to speak when the dis­patch­er picked up.

I’ve been stabbed. How­er­ton Hotel, Peachtree Street. Nine­teenth floor. Please hurry.”

Yes ma’am. I’ve got help on the way. Is there any­one with you?” The calm female voice mixed with the tap­ping and back­ground jabbering.

No.” Brynn’s world went black.


Okay, off to the oth­er SSS Posters at the Offi­cial Web­site. Have fun!


Whadd'ya think?