Six Sentence Sunday 2/13/11

Wel­come! Sor­ry I don’t have a mushy Valen­tine-ish post for you. Don’t wor­ry, I’ll get to it even­tu­al­ly. I am a romance author after all!

On with the story:

She stag­gered back against the fend­er of her car just as her assailant snatched her purse, and dis­ap­peared in the sea of vehicles.

It all hap­pened so fast, she could scarce­ly believe that she wasn’t dream­ing. The pain was real though, and the warm sticky blood that leaked between her fin­gers wasn’t her imag­i­na­tion. Two bright red stains spread along her mid­dle. She switched from vic­tim to sur­geon mode. The wound beneath her left breast could pos­si­bly have sev­ered a ven­tri­cle, but the pound­ing of her heart actu­al­ly calmed her.

That’s it for me this week. Six sure­ly go quick­ly lol. Be sure to stop by the Offi­cial Web­site for more S3 par­tic­i­pants. Have a great week!

29 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday 2/13/11

  1. Wow. I can’t believe she keeps her head at a moment like that! I’m so hooked by this sto­ry. Every week I can’t wait to find out what’s hap­pen­ing next.

  2. awe­some. Won­der­ful to have a hero­ine keep her wits about her, and love how you show that with lit­tle word count. This snip­per hooks me on your writ­ing stye with but a few lines.

  3. Is this from a wip or some­thing already out? I like this char­ac­ter. She reminds me of Dana scul­ly: vul­ner­a­ble but tough and smart and so pro­fes­sion­al it hurts.

  4. Love how she falls back on her cool, pro­fes­sion­al head to access the sit­u­a­tion instead of panic­ing and scream­ing. Also sus­pect the purse-snatch­ing was just a cov­er. Based on pre­vi­ous Six­es, I think *she* was the tar­get, not her purse.

    Great six! 🙂

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