Welcome! Sorry I don’t have a mushy Valentine-ish post for you. Don’t worry, I’ll get to it eventually. I am a romance author after all!
On with the story:
She staggered back against the fender of her car just as her assailant snatched her purse, and disappeared in the sea of vehicles.
It all happened so fast, she could scarcely believe that she wasn’t dreaming. The pain was real though, and the warm sticky blood that leaked between her fingers wasn’t her imagination. Two bright red stains spread along her middle. She switched from victim to surgeon mode. The wound beneath her left breast could possibly have severed a ventricle, but the pounding of her heart actually calmed her.
That’s it for me this week. Six surely go quickly lol. Be sure to stop by the Official Website for more S3 participants. Have a great week!
Fantastic! So much information in six lovely sentences.
Great description! I’m still waiting for someone to come along and save her.
She needs to get help, fast! What happens next?
This was excellent! ‘Victim to surgeon’ I liked this bit.
someone get this woman some help, stat! EEk, sounds bad.
Wow. I can’t believe she keeps her head at a moment like that! I’m so hooked by this story. Every week I can’t wait to find out what’s happening next.
Great six! Very description. I’m wondering if help will arrive in the form of a hot hero?
Victim to Surgeon is a great line. Loving these posts.
Wow, that’s so intense! I can’t wait for next week!
She’s a strong and intelligent gal. I like that.
Oh no, she was shot? Can’t wait to find out what happened.
Yikes! Great suspense! Way to leave the reader hanging.
awesome. Wonderful to have a heroine keep her wits about her, and love how you show that with little word count. This snipper hooks me on your writing stye with but a few lines.
Oh, noes! I hope it’s not as bad as she thinks!
Love the line about switching from victim to surgeon. Great heroine!
Is this from a wip or something already out? I like this character. She reminds me of Dana scully: vulnerable but tough and smart and so professional it hurts.
Love how she falls back on her cool, professional head to access the situation instead of panicing and screaming. Also suspect the purse-snatching was just a cover. Based on previous Sixes, I think *she* was the target, not her purse.
Great six!
Oops. That should have been “assess” not “access.” *sigh* Need more coffee!
Sounds very dire!
Yikes! She’s in trouble. I like this.
I love your show of her collecting herself. You show so well that fight or flight reaction.
Your six sentences are never enough for me.. Love being pulled along.
Love your description of the blood. I can see her standing there deciding what to do.
I like the way she switches into analytical mode on her own injury–it seems very real since she’s a doctor.
I like the way she switches mindsets–very nice.
The use of the technical term makes her sound like a doctor.
Great six.
Eep! What tension!
Oh no! An intriguing snippet. Can’t wait to see what happens next!