Six Sentence Sunday 1/23/11

Wel­come back! Anoth­er week gone, and I’ve got noth­ing to show for it! Well kin­da. My alter ego had a book release on Fri­day, so I took some time to cel­e­brate, then a while to recover 🙂

On with the story:

Brynn made her way to the park­ing garage. At this time of the morn­ing it was all but desert­ed. Even her ten­nis shoes sound­ed loud echo­ing off the cement sur­round­ings. She reached row fifty-sev­en, and start­ed look­ing through her purse for her car keys just as a voice stopped her.


Her head snapped up.

Hope you’re mak­ing your way through the pletho­ra of SSS posts!  Have a great week everyone.

29 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday 1/23/11

  1. Real­ly nice post — now I want to know who’s call­ing her name. It does­n’t seem like she’s hap­py to see them.…

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