Welcome back! Another week gone, and I’ve got nothing to show for it! Well kinda. My alter ego had a book release on Friday, so I took some time to celebrate, then a while to recover
On with the story:
Brynn made her way to the parking garage. At this time of the morning it was all but deserted. Even her tennis shoes sounded loud echoing off the cement surroundings. She reached row fifty-seven, and started looking through her purse for her car keys just as a voice stopped her.
Her head snapped up.
Hope you’re making your way through the plethora of SSS posts! Â Have a great week everyone.
ooo, very nice
Got my attention!
Great snippet, but not long enough! I want more!! Congrats on your new release too.
Warning! Always carry car keys in hand. Good 6. Very good and congratulations on new release.
congratulations on the new release, and I always love reading more sentences about Brynn.
Uh-oh, hope the voice belongs to friend, not foe. Congrats on your new release.
Uh oh. Whodat?
Oooh, wonder who that voice belongs to?
I jumped!
Ugh parking garages creep me out. Hope this is someone she doesn’t mind bumping into.
Congrats on the release! Can’t wait to find out who owns that voice next week.
Yikes! Who goes there?
Great scene. I’m really enjoying your snippets and looking forward to more soon.
Congrats on the release!
Oooh! Now who could it be calling her name? Great six sentences!
Love her name, and the voice calling her full name doesnt bode well. Interesting lines.
Great way to end the snippet!
Hate garages! Hope it’s not that PITA, Jack. Congrats on the new release!
Uh oh, someone used her full first name. That spells trouble with a capital “T”! And congrats on the release!
see this why I make sure I have my car keys in hand — lol
great 6
My mom instinct kicked in, and I wanted to tell her to always have her keys ready!
Great setup.
Hmm, who could it be? Nicely done.
Nice cliffhanger. And congrats to your alter ego on a new release!
Really nice post — now I want to know who’s calling her name. It doesn’t seem like she’s happy to see them.…
Great six sentences! Like the tension you’re building!
Parking garages can be so creepy…Great setting!
I wonder what he wants? Whatever it is, she doesn’t sound happy about it. lol
eek, hope he has ‘good’ intentions.… intense scene!
Love the mysterious set up. Hmm, he uses her full name. What does that mean?
Congrats on the new release! Great snippet!