Six Sentence Sunday 1/2/11

Wel­come back! I hope you all had a great Hol­i­day break. I don’t know about you, but it sure went fast for me. I bare­ly got my shop­ping done in time. Next Christ­mas I’ll be more pre­pared. (I always say that. I’m such a liar)

Any­way, back to six sen­tences from my WiP. You might have for­got­ten what was going on, Brynn had just left her cheat­ing hus­band, and checked into a super nice hotel:

The alarm woke her, though it seemed she bare­ly closed her eyes. She pound­ed the snooze but­ton, fum­bled for the off switch, then swung her legs over the edge of the bed, and sat some­where near upright. It was the only way to ful­ly wake up. If she lounged in bed, she’d like­ly fall back asleep. The sun had yet to rise, so it seemed unnat­ur­al for her to do so, but she was used to the ear­ly morn­ings; all sur­gi­cal recon­struc­tion work was sched­uled at pre-crack.

She would like to blame Jack for her sleep­less nights dur­ing the past week, but it was work.

Pret­ty bor­ing six. I should stop the pro­gres­sive post and try to find six good lines from my books and WiPs.  Maybe next week lol. Be sure to check the Offi­cial Site for the rest of the par­tic­i­pants! Also, I’m in the mid­dle of a blog hop, where we’re giv­ing away a Kin­dle 3, and lots of ebooks! When you’ve read all of the SSS entries today, stop by  to see how to enter.

Thanks for drop­ping by!

19 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday 1/2/11

  1. I’d think you were shar­ing my morn­ing BUT you said it was a super nice hotel — umm does the Red Roof Inn count? Did­n’t think so…so this isn’t me

  2. It’s always a chal­lenge whether to con­tin­ue what you’ve been post­ing from and risk end­ing up with 6 low key sen­tences or switch to some­thing hot from some­thing else!

  3. Thanks for stop­ping by every­one! This was me this morn­ing, I had to get up ear­ly. I usu­al­ly wake up stand­ing under­neath the show­er­head lol

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