Welcome back! I hope you all had a great Holiday break. I don’t know about you, but it sure went fast for me. I barely got my shopping done in time. Next Christmas I’ll be more prepared. (I always say that. I’m such a liar)
Anyway, back to six sentences from my WiP. You might have forgotten what was going on, Brynn had just left her cheating husband, and checked into a super nice hotel:
The alarm woke her, though it seemed she barely closed her eyes. She pounded the snooze button, fumbled for the off switch, then swung her legs over the edge of the bed, and sat somewhere near upright. It was the only way to fully wake up. If she lounged in bed, she’d likely fall back asleep. The sun had yet to rise, so it seemed unnatural for her to do so, but she was used to the early mornings; all surgical reconstruction work was scheduled at pre-crack.
She would like to blame Jack for her sleepless nights during the past week, but it was work.
Pretty boring six. I should stop the progressive post and try to find six good lines from my books and WiPs.  Maybe next week lol. Be sure to check the Official Site for the rest of the participants! Also, I’m in the middle of a blog hop, where we’re giving away a Kindle 3, and lots of ebooks! When you’ve read all of the SSS entries today, stop by http://justromance.me  to see how to enter.
Thanks for dropping by!
That sounds like a scene from most of my work day mornings.
I know those mornings… *yawn* Every Monday through Friday.
Not boring but very real. Good Lord we can’t be screwing around all the time. Can we?
I’d think you were sharing my morning BUT you said it was a super nice hotel — umm does the Red Roof Inn count? Didn’t think so…so this isn’t me
Sounds interesting! Sometimes picking and choosing though is fun too!! :D!!
All work and no Jack makes her a dull girl, indeed.
I’m curious about the surgical reconstruction. May not be spicy, but very well written.
Brynn’s had lots of tough times to make the reader really root for her to find happiness–a great emotional tie.
Mornin’ sunshine. This is how I wake up too.
It’s always a challenge whether to continue what you’ve been posting from and risk ending up with 6 low key sentences or switch to something hot from something else!
I hope she’s not considering going back to that creep just to alleviate boredom!
Thanks for stopping by everyone! This was me this morning, I had to get up early. I usually wake up standing underneath the showerhead lol
lol sounds like real life
Pre-crack! Is that like O Dark Thirty?
I know just how she feels.
Very Real. Well done.
I liked the phrase “somewhere near upright”. I’ve felt that way before!
Quick! Someone get her some coffee!!
Not boring.…I think it is good…