Six Sentence Sunday 12/05/10

Hap­py Sun­day! Con­tin­u­ing on with six sen­tences from my unfin­ished WiP:

Come on, Brynn, we can work this out.”

There is noth­ing to work out. It’s over.”

I’ll fight a divorce.” His voice turned fran­tic. The fire behind his brown eyes was enough to cause Brynn to step back, but not enough to back down.

Fight it then; it won’t change the out­come. You have thir­ty days to get off my prop­er­ty. The house is going up for sale.

Jack’s face quick­ly turned to a bright shade of red. “You are not leav­ing me.”

Brynn smiled. “You’re right, Jack. I’ve already left.”

Have a great week. Be sure to vis­it the rest of the SSS crew at the offi­cial site.

20 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday 12/05/10

  1. Thanks for stop­ping by ladies! I’m get­ting start­ed on my tour through the six­es now. What fun 🙂

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