New Cover!

Isn’t it pret­ty? Tes­sa’s Pride has an ISBN, a release date, a blurb, and now a cov­er that I just LOVE! Thanks again to Aman­da Kelsey for cre­at­ing a cov­er I can be proud of. Aman­da has done the major­i­ty of my cov­ers because I’m worth it! Here is the copy(blurb) for Tes­sa’s Pride:

Two years after leav­ing home to make his own for­tune, Joshua Bradley has final­ly returned to the Bradley Equine Ranch–and to Tes­sa McCade, the sexy ranch man­ag­er with whom he shared a sin­gle steamy tryst.

Tes­sa now owns the ranch like she’s always dreamed–but it’s in trou­ble. Dozens of hors­es have been lost and she’s on the brink of bank­rupt­cy. To save his fam­i­ly’s busi­ness, Josh offers to buy it from her…and share the ranch house with her once again.

Tes­sa chafes at need­ing Josh’s help, but she’s nev­er for­got­ten the taste of plea­sure Josh gave her so long ago. Soon, nei­ther of them can resist the desire mount­ing between them, and unleash a pas­sion that is even more pow­er­ful than Tes­sa’s pride…

Now I can get start­ed on mak­ing a trail­er, so stay tuned!

Whadd'ya think?