Six Sentence Sunday 10/3/10

Anoth­er week gone, and Octo­ber already. I noticed some leaves that had turned, which is an unusu­al sight around here, usu­al­ly we get our first snow­storm and the leaves just die with­out the col­or show.

Oops, now I said that out loud, and I’ve jinxed the weath­er. Great.

Okay, pick­ing up where I left off last week:

He wasn’t com­ing home to beg for­give­ness, but if he expect­ed to ratio­nal­ize what he’d done, he would be dis­ap­point­ed in the result. She had no patience for his whin­ing. Not today.

Nev­er again.

            She let her imag­i­na­tion run a lit­tle wild. She pic­tured her­self tear­ing clumps of his hair–his pride and joy–out by the root, and leav­ing long bloody scratch­es on his hand­some face. 

Have a great week, every­one. Be sure to check out all of the oth­er SSS Par­tic­i­pants at the offi­cial site.

11 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday 10/3/10

  1. I’m with every­one else, man is she mad. Did I miss where the snip­pet came from? Is this one already pub­lished? I must go read your oth­er Six Sun­day’s so I know what’s going on and why he has been such a bad, bad boy.


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