Six Sentence Sunday 10/10/10

Wow. It’s 10/10/10. Maybe I should do ten sen­tences today, just to cel­e­brate! Any­one mind? Okay good. No one tell on me then.

Con­tin­u­ing from last week:

She delib­er­ate­ly wait­ed for him to cross the thresh­old and get an eye­ful of the emp­ty shell of a house before she descend­ed the stairs, with a sac­cha­rine smile left by her maul­ing fantasy.

He couldn’t have seen much. He stood just inside the front door, but the expres­sion of utter dis­be­lief on his ashen face proved that he saw enough, and it was pret­ty grat­i­fy­ing, but she smoth­ered her smile. He looked up at her when she appeared around the landing.

What the hell, Bron­wynn?” He only called her by her full name when he was pissed. An apolo­getic atti­tude might have worked bet­ter for him. Shame­ful maybe. Not this incred­u­lous irri­ta­tion that only made her blood boil.

Okay, that’s it for me, folks. Be sure to vis­it the offi­cial site for more participants.

11 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday 10/10/10

  1. I love your idea about doing 10 sen­tences today. (I had to cre­ative­ly punc­tu­ate just to make it close to 6!) I love how she reacts, her inter­nal thoughts just draw me in as I won­der how she is going to react.

Whadd'ya think?