Six Sentence Sunday 9/19/10

Ah, Sun­day again. I’m not a big fan of the day, since I have to work, but it’s all good. I hope you’re all hop­ping along the trail of Six Sen­tence par­tic­i­pants today in my absence. Don’t wear those pages out,  I want to read them when I get home!

On with today’s post, con­tin­u­ing from last week:

            She allowed the fury to fes­ter and boil inside her. She actu­al­ly rev­eled in the pow­er it churned. If for some rea­son Jack thought he could bluff his way out of it, he would be sur­prised when he walked through the front door. After send­ing him the email with proof of his infi­deli­ty, Brynn spent the next two hours and six packs of sticky notes, mark­ing every­thing she owned for the twelve burly men that showed up with­in twen­ty min­utes of her sum­mons. Green­backs always were the best moti­va­tors. The stor­age facil­i­ty should be fill­ing up quite nice­ly by now.

Oh, I love it when six lines ends in a para­graph. I’m a lit­tle anal about that sometimes.  Have a great Sun­day everyone!

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