Free Read

My alter ego Olivia Brynn, as she worked on the devel­op­men­tal edits for Tes­sa’s Pride, cut an entire chap­ter from the man­u­script. Since the chap­ter was more of a pro­logue than a chap­ter one, Olivia, being the smart one, decid­ed to tweak it a bit and offer it as a pre­quel to the book which comes out in Feb­ru­ary from Cari­na Press.

Thanks to Michael from Hartshine Design for the beau­ti­ful cov­er! Just click on that to be tak­en right to Olivi­a’s site, where you can down­load the pdf. One warn­ing though, if you don’t know any­thing about Olivi­a’s work, it’s cer­tain­ly isn’t for the eas­i­ly shocked or embar­rassed. This is not your grand­moth­er’s romance.


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