Six Sentence Sunday 9/12/10

Anoth­er Sun­day, anoth­er six sen­tences from my WiP. After con­tin­u­ing progress on this, it turns out that every­thing you’ve read up to this point has now been cut from the ms. It just did­n’t seem like the right place to start, so instead the book will begin as below, where Jack comes home after work:


Even from her van­tage point on the third floor, she could see the wary expres­sion on her hus­band’s face. Usu­al­ly Jack parked in the garage, but today he parked the Mer­cedes out front and strolled up the cob­ble­stone walk­way with pur­pose. He hadn’t even loos­ened his tie, which indi­cat­ed that he was still strung tight. All busi­ness. On a nor­mal day, she would won­der if some­thing had gone wrong at the deal­er­ship, but today she knew exact­ly why he was still but­toned up.

He read the email.

Be sure to vis­it the Six Sen­tence Sun­day site to see all the oth­er author’s offer­ings. Have a great week!

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