Six Sentence Sunday 8/15/10

Hap­py Sun­day every­one! It’s a chilly day on top of this moun­tain. Autumn is in the air, and I’m not very hap­py about it.

My six sen­tence offer­ing this week, con­tin­u­ing the sto­ry from last week:

He gave up gam­bling long before I met him. While the crew loaded the truck I read the agree­ment over. When I’m done with him, he’s going to have to rent a room at the YMCA.”

Brynn laughed at her friend’s shock. Susan’s face paled to a grue­some shade, and her eyes danced over Brynn’s face. “So he gets…nothing?” she squeaked.

Noth­ing but the clothes on his back. And the bed where he slept with the slut, since I’m so generous.”

Oh my God.”

Be sure to vis­it the offi­cial site for more SSS par­tic­i­pants! Thanks for drop­ping by!

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