Six Sentence Sunday 6/6/10

Hap­py Sun­day! Up here on the moun­tain, spring has final­ly arrived, I spent a whole day out­side with­out a jack­et even! I hope the flow­ers hur­ry up and bloom before the snow flies in August! Just kid­ding. It flies in Sep­tem­ber. On with the SSS post! Con­tin­u­ing from last week:




If he was wor­ried about my find­ing it, he wouldn’t keep a log of the conversations.”

Yeah, that was a stu­pid thing to do.”

It was a stu­pid thing to do. The thing was, Jack wasn’t a stu­pid guy. He used com­put­ers all day at work, and even helped his par­ents when theirs crashed. Why he kept those con­ver­sa­tions logged was a very good question.

Have a great week every­one. Don’t for­get to check out the pletho­ra of par­tic­i­pants at the SSS Web­site.

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