Six Sentence Sunday 5/30/10

Hap­py Memo­r­i­al Day Week­end! I hope you’re all enjoy­ing a nice bar­be­cue! Con­tin­u­ing on from last week’s SSS:






I don’t give a shit what he says!” Heat rose to Brynn’s cheeks, and she wouldn’t be sur­prised if her ears began spurt­ing steam. “There was mal­ware. I had to emp­ty the tem­po­rary inter­net files, and there they were. I wasn’t going to delete some­thing if it was impor­tant.” Brynn glanced around the restau­rant, then low­ered her voice.

More SSS fun at the offi­cial web­site, but that’s it for me! Time to drag in sum­mer by the ear­lobe, kick­ing and screaming.

Whadd'ya think?