Six Sentence Sunday 5/9/10

Wow, it’s the 9th of May already. It’s final­ly warm­ing up a bit here on top of the moun­tain, maybe we’ll be in short sleeves by August! (I’m a lit­tle bit­ter) Con­tin­u­ing my SSS sto­ry from where I left off last week.




That shut Susan up. Brynn went back to stir­ring her cof­fee, and thought back to that Cincin­nati con­fer­ence. Almost every­one else brought their hus­band or wife, but Jack com­plained that he had too much to do, so he couldn’t go. Sat­ur­day she’d called three times before he picked up the phone, and then he was breath­less, claim­ing he’d just come from the show­er. Her call must have inter­rupt­ed him and lit­tle miss Sexy69.

She ground her teeth togeth­er, and con­tin­ued stir­ring the coffee.

I fin­ished the WiP for Olivia, and I’m going to focus on this one now. I real­ly need to fin­ish it before you all get to the point where I stopped! Have a great week every­one, and don’t for­get to stop by the SSS web­site for more participants.

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