Six Sentence Sunday 5/2/10

It’s May! I can’t believe the year is going by so quick­ly! Today’s SSS is con­tin­u­ing from where I left off last week. Enjoy! Vis­it the Six Sen­tence Sun­day Web­site for more participants!

Brynn knew her friend was try­ing to help, but she real­ly didn’t need to hear the devil’s advo­cate. “I read one mes­sage from three weeks ago. This woman Sexy69 asks him when they’d meet again, and his response was, ‘Brynn leaves for Cincin­nati Fri­day. Want to spend the week­end at my place?’”


“Yeah, ‘oh’. It was Jack, and he wasn’t even hint­ing at discreet.”

Thanks for stop­ping by! I’m head­ed home from Ohio soon, what fun at the RT con­fer­ence, I’ll be post­ing pics soon, if you fol­low me on twit­ter you’ve prob­a­bly already been blessed with some.

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