Six Sentence Sunday 4/25/10

Hope you’re hav­ing a beau­ti­ful week­end! Today I’m far from home, doing some vis­it­ing before I jump head­long into the RT con­ven­tion. Again, my six sen­tences come from my cur­rent WiP. Pret­ty soon these will start mak­ing less sense on their own, but I promise.…there’s a plot!

Brynn’s stom­ach knot­ted. The woman’s avatar was just a close up of a nip­ple. How Jack could have found that allur­ing, she didn’t know. Appar­ent­ly there was a lot about Jack that she didn’t know.

“Maybe some­one bor­rowed the computer.”

“And used his IM account? I doubt it Susan.”

Ah, some sen­tences are too short. See you next Sun­day for the next six! As always, catch more S3 fun at the offi­cial web­site. Have a great week!

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