Six Sentence Sunday 4/18/10

This week, I’m going to con­tin­ue with six more lines from my WiP, with a work­ing title of sim­ply Park­er I’ll pick up where I left off last Sun­day, which were the first six sen­tences. I sup­pose, if you con­tin­ue read­ing my SSS posts, you’ll even­tu­al­ly read the entire book! Hm, guess I’d bet­ter keep work­ing on it then!

Now, she sat in the twen­ty four hour restau­rant hav­ing break­fast at three in the after­noon with her best friend, explain­ing why she need­ed Susan’s real­ty advice.
“Do you have any proof?” Susan stopped swirling the left­over straw­ber­ry from her crêpe in the red syrup on her plate, and tucked a blond curl behind her ear. “It could just be a big misunderstanding.”
Brynn barked a mirth­less laugh. “If the instant mes­sag­ing logs aren’t proof, I don’t know what would be.”

For more Six Sen­tence Sun­day fun, vis­it the offi­cial web­site for all par­tic­i­pants’ posts. Have a great Sun­day! See you next time.

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