The Wild Blue Yonder

Off I go! Today I’m dri­ving, and tomor­row morn­ing (waaay too ear­ly, and not by choice) I’ll be hop­ping across the coun­try on my way to do some social­iz­ing before the annu­al Romance Times con­ven­tion. This will be my first con­fer­ence as an author, and I just hap­pened to pick one of the doozies.

Times like this I have to dig deep inside myself for the out­go­ing side of my per­son­al­i­ty. Seri­ous­ly, I’m a shy per­son. I can see the eyes rolling, but any­one close to me knows. I sit behind this lap­top screen and type away, and I’m sheild­ed by the anonymi­ty of the inter­net and a pen name. The RT Con­ven­tion will not only crack the shell, it will like­ly break the whole thing, crum­bling away and get­ting stomped on at the Fairy Ball. (Oh yes. An entire get-togeth­er where every­one is dressed as wood­land crea­tures, and me with­out any wings.) It will be good for me though, and I plan on learn­ing a lot, and maybe sneak­ing a shot or two of whiskey to keep my inhi­bi­tions at bay.

As far as writ­ing goes, I’ve fin­ished Tes­sa’s Pride as Olivia Brynn, and I’m in the mid­dle of a roman­tic sus­pense that has­n’t been titled yet…I like to leave that for last. Once I’m home from my trip, and things set­tle down a bit, I’ll be able to dig back into that one.

I also took a lit­tle break to redesign Olivi­a’s web­site. Now that I know how to tweak things on there, I’ll nev­er have any free time! That’s okay, it’s fun. Besides all of that, I’m edit­ing for one pub­lish­er, and proof read­ing and sales-admin­is­ter-ing for anoth­er, so although it might look like I’m sit­ting in front of my com­put­er doing noth­ing, I real­ly am doing some­thing! Sometimes.

On a dif­fer­ent note, did you see my ini­tials on that air­plane? I did­n’t even have to pho­to­shop them in there, it just came that way! Sup­pose it’s a good sign? Also, I found this beau­ti­ful Snow Fairy on an artist’s web­site. Click to check it out.

Alright folks, on to the trip, got my ted­dy-bear packed, and I’m hop­ing I don’t get cho­sen for the ran­dom body cav­i­ty search at any of the six air­port stops before I get home.


Whadd'ya think?