Six Sentence Sunday 3/28/10

This Sun­day I’m fea­tur­ing six lines from my work in progress ten­ta­tive­ly titled Tes­sa’s Pride an erot­ic west­ern con­tem­po­rary romance. This one is so close to being done, I can almost taste the cel­e­bra­to­ry brandy!

You don’t expect me to stay in a hotel, do you? When the big house that has belonged to my fam­i­ly for gen­er­a­tions sits all but empty?”


Well, no…but I didn’t…I guess I didn’t real­ize you’d planned on stay­ing in the area.”

For fold­ing them so care­ful­ly, he tossed the under­wear into the draw­er with­out a thought before walk­ing toward her. No, he didn’t walk, he prowled; like a hun­gry lion. “You’re afraid, aren’t you?”

As always, more SSS par­tic­i­pants, and the offi­cial web­site are HERE. Have a great week!

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