Ride ’em Cowboy

This week I’m putting the fin­ish­ing touch­es on my lat­est, and it seems I dipped a lit­tle too deep in Alan­na’s side of the brain, because the hero, Josh Bradley, end­ed up being a sexy Mon­tana cowboy.

I’m at the point right now, where I could wrap it up in a few hours, but I have the ten­den­cy to rush end­ings, so I’m try­ing to con­trol myself. I’ve been at this point for a week or two, and I keep going back to the mid­dle chap­ters and beef­ing it up. You don’t mind if I put some meat on my cow­boys, do you?

Here is a ten­ta­tive blurb. The book is titled Tes­sa’s Pride, a con­tem­po­rary west­ern erot­ic romance with a bit of intrigue thrown in.

Tes­sa McCade isn’t a quit­ter. After six years of hard work, she took own­er­ship of Bradley Equine Ranch, the best show-horse ranch in Mon­tana. She was so sure of her abil­i­ties that when a dis­ease strikes down most of her herd, she’s stunned. With her rep­u­ta­tion ruined, she has no choice but to sell, even though that means swal­low­ing her pride, and giv­ing up her dream. The last per­son she want­ed to see in this state of mind is Josh Bradley, the prodi­gal son of BER, and a man whose kiss­es are lethal to a wom­an’s self con­trol. Tes­sa does­n’t know whether he came back to bail her out or rub it in. Either way, he’s got anoth­er thing com­ing. if there’s one thing Tes­sa refus­es to lose, it’s her pride.

I’ll keep you updat­ed on the progress of Tes­sa’s Pride. I might need a las­so and cat­tle prod before it’s all said and done. Any volunteers?

2 thoughts on “Ride ’em Cowboy

  1. Ooh, Tes­sa sounds like a wild Philly! And I’m seri­ous­ly lik­ing the look of Joe there — and as far as beef­ing up cow­boys — who am I to stop you?

  2. Hey Adri­an! Nice to see you on this side of the globe 🙂

    No one likes a scrawny cowboy.

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