Bald Faced Liar

Thanks a lot Gem Sivad! Are you say­ing I’m a liar? Well okay, I guess it comes with the ter­ri­to­ry. I call it “cre­ative license”.  This should be easy for any of you who fol­low me on var­i­ous social net­work­ing sites. It’s not like I have a prob­lem talk­ing about myself. There are sev­en state­ments about me below. Only TWO are true.

The rest are bald faced lies er…fiction.

1) I’ve  played the vio­lin, vio­la, alto sax­o­phone and flute  since age 6

2) Where I live, it has been known to snow every month of the year.

3) I wrote my first nov­el Wyoming Solace in two weeks.

4) I have five cats, two birds, a dog and two turtles.

5) I must have com­plete silence when I work.

6) I am flu­ent in three languages.

7) I am an only child.

Leave a com­ment, and tell me which two state­ments you think are true, and which five are “cre­ative writ­ing”. When you’re done, you can vis­it the fol­low­ing blog­gers who I’ve tagged as Bald Faced Liars:

Ser­e­na Shay * Christa Paige *   Paige Tyler

4 thoughts on “Bald Faced Liar

  1. #2 is cor­rect! The big ol yuck is cor­rect as well.

    I got ya with #4, that’s a bald faced lie 🙂

  2. Oh I got behind with too much stuff to do and look­ie there, the answers are here for me. I am total­ly in awe that you wrote Wyoming Solace in two weeks. Wow, that’s impressive.____Thanks for tag­ging me. How fun.__Christa

  3. Woah! Num­ber three is not cor­rect. To tell the truth, I wrote Wyoming Solace over a peri­od of 18 years. Not that I sat down in front of a com­put­er that long…I just did­n’t focus on it or take it seriously.

    Sor­ry Christa, try again 🙂

Whadd'ya think?