Six Sentence Sunday 2/21/10

I’m hop­ping on the SSS wag­on! Fol­low­ing are six sen­tences from my Work in Progress that does­n’t even have a title yet. I’ll keep you informed

Don’t go.” She said the words before she could even think about the wisdom.

He speared her with those elec­tric blue eyes. The heat behind them only fanned her desire. He sucked a breath through his teeth. “Brynn…”

Stay.” She moved a step clos­er and gripped his fore­arm. “Please.”

For more SSS fun, vis­it Dee Car­ney , Sara Brookes, Jeanne St. James and  Hai­ley Edwards. I’m pre­post­ing this blog, since I work on Sun­day (can I get an “awwwww” ?) So if you’re also SSS­ing, leave me a com­ment so my read­ers can find you.

Whadd'ya think?