Sunday Flash Holiday Blog Tour

Don’t you just love flash­ing?? You’re wel­come to stay here and see when this guy will drop the sign, but I’ve been watch­ing care­ful­ly for the past few hours, and I can’t get him to flinch.

You should have just come from Christa Paige’s blog for chap­ter nine of each sto­ry. This is the last stop on the tour, but the fun will con­tin­ue back at the Sil­ver Expres­sions Blog, or feel free to join us all as we rehash the flash, and engage in some oth­er Hol­i­day spir­it where Gem Sivad is hav­ing a Hol­i­day open house in her Chat Room.

If you’re just stum­bling across this post, make sure you go back to the begin­ning, because you real­ly don’t want to read the com­ments here, you’ll want the full effect. Ten authors and ten pro­gres­sive stories…that’s like ten Christ­mas presents!

You must be eigh­teen or old­er to con­tin­ue read­ing this sexy adult mate­r­i­al. Click on the com­ments below, and then we’ll head over to Gem’s chat room for the post flash celebration!

Click for more infor­ma­tion about books by Alan­na Coca:

22 thoughts on “Sunday Flash Holiday Blog Tour

  1. Hey, Alan­na. So, like, can I use the snow cov­ered cab­in for a while? I need to, er, inter­view this young lady I found over at Jolie’s place.

    I’m just drop­ping in to check out the tour. I’ll be back a lit­tle lat­er to flash.

    Eggnog? Sure. Why not. ** snicker **

  2. Christ­mas at the Man­po­ri­um — 9

    Her ‘fone spurt­ed from her hand, arc­ing up into the space over the brunet­te’s head. Noelle’s heart froze. Every­thing was in that ‘fone. Adren­a­line flood­ed her sys­tem and she launched her­self upward, claw­ing for the ‘fone. The bride behind her squealed as Noelle pushed off her leg. The brunette went down in a heap of white organdy. Noelle’s fin­gers skimmed the edge of the cera­glass cas­ing, scram­bling for a grip. For one hor­ri­ble moment she thought she’d lose that ten­u­ous hold, but her hand clamped down solid­ly. All the air went out of her in a relieved sigh a split sec­ond before she smashed into the broad back of the large bride at the front of the line. Clench­ing the Bril­liant­fone for all she was worth, Noelle braced her­self for the fall.

    She land­ed most­ly on the lumpy, but soft, brunette, who shrieked her protest, lash­ing out with her tiny satin hand­bag. “Get off me!”

  3. Cab­in Fever by Alan­na Coca Chap­ter ten
    The woman on his lap—for God’s sake, he didn’t even know her name—collapsed against his chest. Her heart was beat­ing so that he could feel it against his own. His fog­gy brain cleared, and Cur­tis was flood­ed with doubt. “Morn­ing after” regrets and fears of rape accu­sa­tion were one thing; preg­nan­cy, STDs were yet anoth­er. For Christ’s sake, he’d nev­er been so irre­spon­si­ble in all of his adult life. This woman comes into his home, speaks of angels and the joy of liv­ing, and he for­gets every­thing but the moment. The heat of after­glow dis­si­pat­ed with his thoughts, but then the woman pulled back enough to look at him with a smile. She no longer looked close to death, or even exhaust­ed. This was a woman thor­ough­ly sat­is­fied. That sexy smile made his heart leap, his pride swell, and sent all his reser­va­tions out the window.
    “You are an angel. You gave me wings.”

  4. Ear­ly Christ­mas Present #10-Jolie Cain

    He knelt beside her on the bed, his eyes blaz­ing a tor­ment­ed trail of heat and pas­sion across her pale body. “My God, Katie. My God.” He bent his head and his lips cov­ered hers. At the first touch of his mouth, she felt a shiv­er of need and love and hope that her heart felt as if it would burst from her chest. Her mouth part­ed and their tongues tan­gled in a heat­ed duel that sent flames scroching across her skin and down to her wet chan­nel. His body pressed hers into the mat­tress and his hands eager­ly pulled the rib­bon off her and tossed it aside. She was ready for him. When he released him­self from his pants and pressed him­self inside her, she saw the shocked plea­sure on his face. “Damn, Katie. This is the best Christ­mas present I’ve ever got­ten. I hope Scott does­n’t kill me in the morning.”

    She laughed and wrapped her legs around him. “I’ll make sure he keeps his hands off you, at least for the first year or so. Then you’re on your own.” She laughed again at the expres­sion on his face and pulled him down to her. Oh, yes. He might not know it yet, but this Christ­mas present was going to last forever.

  5. Rap­ture — # 10

    Exhaust­ed and spent, Mar­tin at last broke through to the surface.Too tired to swim, he drift­ed, let­ting the cur­rent car­ry him to shore.

    He lay naked in the sand, water brush­ing against his ankles, caress­ing his calves, his thighs, his hips. Gen­tle voic­es filled the surf, whis­per­ing, whispering…

    He did­n’t even notice when Meri­ta left him. For the sand was like Mer­i­ta’s flesh, firm and smooth, pli­ant beneath him, and the water on his back was like her hand and Mer­i­ta’s hand was stroking his back…his neck…his hair…his face. And Mer­i­ta’s voice was singing in his ears, was singing him to sleep.

  6. Six Pack Ranch, Book 2

    She swore she spoke aloud. She knew her lips moved, but the deaf­en­ing buzzing in her ears out­weighed the sound of her own voice. Daniel gave her anoth­er of his sex­i­er-than-sin grins and came back in for anoth­er pass. She closed her eyes and hoped like hell she’d said door num­ber one.

    He gripped her body tighter and lift­ed her, heavy brace and all, and she gasped in sur­prise. Then he tore the rest of the air from her lungs as he con­sumed her. Crush­ing their lips togeth­er, he thrust his tongue into her mouth and took con­trol. She wait­ed for pan­ic to descend, but all she felt was a heavy pulse between her legs and the urgent desire to drop to the floor and rip off his clothes.

    Book One, Rocky Moun­tain Heat, is avail­able from Liq­uid Sil­ver Books.

    That was fun! Now off to com­ment and run amuck!

  7. Whew! Made it to the end. Is there a hot tub in that cabin?

    The Invi­ta­tion — #10 — Juniper Bell

    Temp­ta­tion tugged. He was a man, after all. He’d come a long way to get Ari­ane back in his bed. If he took her deal, untold plea­sures wait­ed for him on that lux­u­ry yacht moored just off­shore in the sparkling Mediter­ranean. Many would kill for a night on The Sec­ond Cir­cle. Maybe there was a way to have it all.

    One night,” he said. “Give it your best shot. After one night, I either join the Cir­cle, or you come with me.”

    Ari­ane threw her head back and laughed, like the dev­il she sure­ly was. “You believe you can resist the Sec­ond Cir­cle? I accept your challenge.”

    Through the blood pound­ing in his head, a mem­o­ry sur­faced. The nine cir­cles of hell. Each one devot­ed to a dif­fer­ent sin. Which one was the Sec­ond Cir­cle? Of course. Lust.

  8. Touch­ing Eve

    She saw it in his eyes. The con­flict. He was stand­ing naked in a stranger’s house in front of two beau­ti­ful women and one very play­ful boy toy. Eve saw him try­ing to decide before she even gave the com­mand. Would he do it? Was the allure of Shirley’s hand push­ing the hem of Eve’s dress up her thigh enough? Would he balk and leave?

    Eve sighed when Shirley’s fin­gers graced the crotch of her lace panties. And she saw the fire burn in his eyes. When Boy Toy’s fin­gers joined Shirley’s Even splayed her legs and slid for­ward until her ass rest­ed on the edge of the couch.

    You will dance. Shirley and I would like to see you dance for her friend.”

    Eve dared him with her eyes. Dared him to turn away. Dared him to pick up his clothes and take his very ready toy home and not play with them.

  9. Touch­ing Eve

    Shirley’s head blocked her view as anoth­er kiss was stolen. When Shirley’s mouth dropped low­er and cap­tured a nip­ple Eve smiled. Not because Shirley’s warm wet lips made her smile.

    She smiled because the play­er, the man that had decid­ed he would pay the price of admis­sion, was walk­ing clos­er. The music of some bump and grind in Gangs­ta rap drift­ed into the room from the par­ty and her slave start­ed gyrat­ing his hips a foot from Boy Toy’s won­drous gaze.

    And once you have fin­ished we will find some more friends to join our par­ty.” Eve placed a hand on the back of Shirley’s head and held her to her breast. Just as her own head lulled back she saw Boy Toy reach.

    Yes, she thought, what a won­der­ful Christ­mas it will be. And how naughty I’ve been.

    Eve smiled with satisfaction.

  10. Hud­dled on the (dirty, ick) floor, a gor­geous man lay­ing in her embrace, she let her mouth trav­el over his lips. His chin. His jaw. Each caress pushed her demand­ing job, a nonex­is­tent social life and a cold, lone­ly bed fur­ther away from her mind.
    Now, all she could think of was rain and slick heat. Writhing bod­ies and skin on skin.
    Her hands skimmed over mus­cled pecs, and firm abs. Peb­bled nip­ples slid against his uni­form, her arousal so poignant, the rough mate­r­i­al height­ened her sen­si­tiv­i­ty. Gray twist­ed in her arms, and soon he was ele­vat­ed above her, his erec­tion press­ing against her thigh, her legs wrapped around his waist.
    Some­where in the back of her mind, the sen­si­ble Noami–the one who worked like a dog to make it to the top of the cor­po­rate lad­der, the one who nev­er got drunk, the one who nev­er toed the line–tried to remind her that they were a thin sheet of mate­r­i­al away from sex. Not to men­tion they were in a pub­lic place where any­one could dis­cov­er them…as well as she didn’t know much more than his name.
    With a groan, she opened her eyes and stared into his. Her mouth was moist, swollen. His breath rushed out, teas­ing her flushed cheek.
    He lift­ed him­self up, not say­ing a word, and helped her to stand­ing. She adjust­ed her clothes, cast­ing amused glances at him all the while. There was an unspo­ken promise hang­ing between them and she had a feel­ing that Gray wasn’t the type of man to renege.
    In front of her, pure male arousal charged the air. Out­side, a plane ride and an island get away await­ed her. Some­time soon, all three would come to an agreement.
    Hell, yeah.
    This is what she called a vacation.

  11. And once again, I for­got the title. This is what hap­pens when cer­tain peo­ple (you know who you are!) rush me.

    The above was titled Strand­ed (or some­thing) #10

  12. Flash Race #10

    Now,” echoed the man, bend­ing his mag­nif­i­cent head in a nod. His hand delved deep­er between her thighs. He reached into her, into what seemed like the very heart of her, and like a magi­cian, turned her inside out.

    She cried out, a shout of ecsta­sy that ought to have shak­en the rafters … but no sound could be heard. Her eyes closed as she gave her­self over to the incred­i­ble bliss cre­at­ed by the man’s hand in her, on her, behind her, around her. The per­son she was, the per­son she had been up until tonight … was no more. Her body shiv­ered into a mil­lion irre­place­able pieces. And some­thing new was born.

    Come,” said the Angel, and the some­thing new that used to be her float­ed with him into a world of bliss with­out limit.

  13. Drinks at Darcie’s Place

    You’ve been very obedient.”

    She didn’t know why that made her heart beat faster but there was no deny­ing it did. When he pulled away and took the warmth of his body with him she want­ed to fol­low but some­how knew she wasn’t allowed. She want­ed to say some­thing but didn’t know what was appro­pri­ate. Final­ly she man­aged a muf­fled ‘yes.’

    And now,” he leaned close, his hand fell on her hip, “I will give you a reward. Would you like a reward?”

    Yes.” She stared dreamy eyed and want­ed to grab him around his neck and hug him forever.


    The word jerked her out of her dream. Mas­ter? What?

  14. Drinks at Darcie’s Place

    You said yes. You should say ‘Yes, Master’.”

    She low­ered her eyes, buried her face in his chest, and whis­pered, “Yes, master.”

    And now your reward.” His touch was gen­tle when he found her chin and raised her face. Her lips were ready when his found hers. She shud­dered when his oth­er hand found its way under the hem of her dress and his fin­ger touched her for the first time.

    Yes, she thought. Master.

  15. Reunion Finale Part 1

    Final­ly, the door opened and a har­ried mom with two kids, three car­ry-on suit­cas­es and an indus­tri­al sized dia­per bag, ambled out of the bath­room. Eric wait­ed all of two sec­onds to drag Kaitlin into the pri­vate area. He slammed the door shut and turned the lock. Piv­ot­ing on the heel of his com­bat boot, he turned to face her.

    Pull it up,” he tugged at his shirt and yanked it free from his waist­band. “Now Kaitlin, I want to see.”

    She fist­ed the satin mate­r­i­al of her dress, lift­ing it inch by inch. With a slow, tor­tur­ous pace she revealed the opaque stock­ing and the sexy garters hold­ing the nylons in place. His exha­la­tion spurred her on and she lift­ed the skirt high­er still.

    There you go baby, show me everything.”

    1. Reunion Finale Part 2
      Some sin­ful com­pul­sion made her lean back, the lip of the Formi­ca counter sup­port­ed her. She spread her legs wide and gath­ered the rest of the loose mate­r­i­al just above her hips.

      Tell me what you want, Kaitlin,” Eric ordered. His hands worked rapid­ly undo­ing the belt and tack­ling the but­ton-fly. The cam­mie pants sagged open, he pushed them down until they slung low on his hip-bones. His jut­ting length sprang free.

      Kaitlin held her breath as he prowled close. “It’s been so long baby; let’s not wait a moment longer.”

      Eric, do it now.”

      The next moment, Eric was lift­ing her up onto the cool, smooth coun­ter­top. He pushed her legs wide open, nudged the thick crest of his hard as nails cock between her slick folds and thrust in to the hilt.

      Kaitlin cried out his name, scoot­ed even clos­er and laced her arms around his shoulders.

      This was all she ever want­ed. Her man had come home and he was right where she longed for him to be.

      Togeth­er, reunit­ed, and reach­ing for their long await­ed pleasure.

      It was sim­ply bliss.

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