Labor Day Contest Winner

Con­grats to

Jan Miller

The ran­dom­ly cho­sen (the draw­ing was super­vised by my three year old labrador) win­ner of yes­ter­day’s blog tour. Jan, please email me so that I can get your email address to the authors and we can coör­di­nate deliv­ery of your grand prize.

Con­grats to Jan, and thanks to every­one who stopped by and com­ment­ed. What a great way to send off sum­mer and wel­come autumn. We have so much fun with these, you can bet we’ll have anoth­er very soon!


5 thoughts on “Labor Day Contest Winner

  1. Hi every­one!

    Thanks so much for the good wish­es. Win­ning this prize is so cool! I will enjoy the books.

    Alan­na, I have sent you an email with my e‑mail addy and my for­mat preference.

    Hope to hear from you soon.

Whadd'ya think?