For a Price

Buy now!It’s here! For a Price, my first nov­el as Olivia Brynn! I just love new release days, it’s a good excuse to eat an entire box of Tur­tles and drink way too much brandy.

You can’t get blood from a stone. That’s what Mau­reen Sullivan’s moth­er always told her, but now it’s col­lec­tion time, and bill col­lec­tors aren’t after blood; they want mon­ey. At this point, she’d do just about anything…for a price. To get her moth­er out of the red, Mau­reen packs her tiny nest egg and runs to Las Vegas, hop­ing for a miracle.

Once in Sin City, Maureen’s Aunt Lot­tie shows her that the fastest way out of a finan­cial hell doesn’t lie in Maureen’s luck at a black­jack table, but in the auc­tion of a much more con­tro­ver­sial com­mod­i­ty: Maureen’s vir­gin­i­ty. Vegas is the per­fect place to cash in. What they decide to do will not only make head­lines in the Neva­da city, but around the world.

The last thing Mau­reen needs right now is to fall for sexy Nicholas Web­ster, who’s used to get­ting every­thing he wants. Because when the time comes, she’d have to betray the man she’s come to love in order to ful­fill her con­tract. Will she be able to sell her­self? And at what price?

Click on the cov­er to go to the Liq­uid Sil­ver Books buy page where you can read the first chap­ter. I’ve got anoth­er excerpt right here and you can meet the main char­ac­ters Nick and Ree­nie here.

Today is the last day to enter the con­test to win a copy of For a Price. Just look at the post below this one (or click here) The win­ner will be post­ed tomor­row morning.

Got two min­utes? Check out this short trailer:

Okay, music’s up, choco­late is only half gone, and the brandy is flow­ing. Join me in a hap­py dance cel­e­bra­tion. We’ll let the Word­Press jan­i­tors clean up afterwards.

Whadd'ya think?