The Waiting Game

When I first looked into the pub­lish­ing process, most of the advice revolved around the word “wait”.

Sub­mit your query, then wait. An answer could be months in com­ing. Sub­mit your man­u­script, then wait. Sell your book? Yay! Now wait for edit­ing to start. Edit­ing done? Yay! Now wait for a release date.

This is even more dif­fi­cult for peo­ple like me who are so impa­tient. By the time I get to the edit­ing process, I have to reread the thing to remem­ber which book it is I’m editing!

So what do I do while I wait? I write. Wait, write, wait, write, wait. (Say that five times fast.) Okay, I guess that’s all I have to say. I’ve got some wait­ing to do, so I’d bet­ter hur­ry up.

4 thoughts on “The Waiting Game

  1. We must, I know, but I’m so impa­tient! So I just write more. Or I try to…lol…I’ve been star­ing at this WIP for weeks and not mov­ing very fast. Just anoth­er frus­tra­tion hehe

  2. Try is about it. I have every good inten­tion of writ­ing while I wait on some­thing, but I still find myself think­ing about the thing I’m wait­ing for…sheesh what a frus­trat­ing cir­cle! LOL

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